Annual Report 2005–06

成立的書院能夠為同學提供更多選擇,充實他們在 校的學習生活。 新書院院長之職,已有兩位國際知名的學者應允出 任。諾貝爾經濟學獎得主莫理斯教授將出掌晨興 書院,而植物分子生物學權威辛世文教授則會成為 善衡書院的創院院長。兩位候任院長都是世界一流 的學者,不但教研成就卓越,對中大的教育理念尤 為服膺。 締造多元文化校園 中大的校園環境優美,是潛心學問、追尋理想的好 地方;而鼓勵不同文化的交流互動,培養學生的國 際視野,一直是我們努力不懈的目標。本學年我們 取錄了有二百八十名不同文化背景的非本地生,包 括來自國內十七個省市的尖子。中大首次參加全國 普通高校統一招生計劃,即取得如此佳績,教人雀 躍。多年來我們竭力締造多元文化的校園,俾來自 不同地方的學生互相砥礪,增廣見聞,開闊胸襟。 目前,中大與超過一百九十所海外院校簽訂交流協 議,遍布全球二十三個國家和地區:本學年便有六 百八十九名外地學生到我校作交換生,人數比上學 年增加四成四;至於遠赴外地交流實習的中大學 生,則有四百三十八人。 學務不斷發展 法律學院之成立,進一步確立中大研究型綜合大學 的地位;大學提供之課程,復益見完備。本學年內, 學院的籌備工作已經就緒,訂於二零零六年九月招 收首批學生。三位普通法權威已惠允出任法律學榮 譽講座教授,他們是公共行政法權威暨前劍橋大 學校長David Williams爵士、前英格蘭及威爾斯首 席大法官暨香港特別行政區終審法院非常任法官 experience. The University is immensely grateful to its benefactors for their munificence and staunch support. Two scholars of world renown have also accepted appointments to head the two new colleges. Prof. Sir James Mirrlees, Nobel laureate in economic sciences, is master-designate of Morningside College; Prof. Samuel Sun Sai-ming, world authority on plant molecular biology, is master-designate of S.H. Ho College. Both are distinguished academics who share the same educational ideals and the same vision of establishing smaller colleges as the University’s. A Multicultural Campus During the year under review, the University continued to promote cultural interaction on its campus and diversify its student mix. A total of 280 non-local undergraduates were admitted from around the world, including top secondary students recruited from 17 provinces and municipalities on the Mainland. This was the first time the University had taken part in the National Colleges and Universities Enrolment System and the results were most gratifying. The University also strove to create for its students more opportunities for overseas exchange and internship. New exchange agreements were signed with universities in different parts of the world, bringing the total number of our exchange partners to 190, spread across 23 countries and regions. This year, some 689 students came to our campus for exchange—a 44% increase over the 2004-05 figure, and 438 CUHK students went abroad for academic exchange and internship. New Academic Programmes The establishment of the School of Law in 2005-06 is another major milestone in the development of CUHK as a comprehensive research university. Staff recruitment is almost complete and the ground has been laid for the school to admit its first entering class of students in September 2006. Three eminent academics and experts in the common law world have been appointed as Honorary Professors of Law. They are Sir David Williams, former Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cambridge; Lord Woolf of Barnes, former Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales and currently Non- Permanent Judge of the HKSAR Court of Final Appeal; and the Honourable Sir T.L. Yang, former Chief Justice of Hong Kong and chairman of the school’s Executive Committee. The University feels most honoured to be associated with these distinguished individuals. With the benefit of their professional guidance and sage advice, we are fully confident that our School of Law will be a great success. On another front, the University Senate approved the introduction of double- major and double-degree programmes from the 2007-08 academic year. CUHK