Annual Report 2005–06

學生和校友 Students and Alumni 79 括美國中西部校友會、法國校友會、自動化與計算 機輔助工程校友會及中醫學院校友會。而繼美東校 友會在二零零一年出版《中大人在紐約》文集後, 香港中文大學海外校友會(北加州)亦於二零零六 年五月出版《中大人在舊金山》,以誌該會銀禧盛 事。中大人立足異地,心繫母校之情可見一斑。 中大校友一向關心社會和教育及大學的發展。「香 港中文大學校友評議會」自一九九三年成立以來, 每年均舉辦不同活動收集校友意見,以專題報告或 意見書形式,提供給有關人士參考,並設立「中大 校友評議會傑出服務及創意學生獎」,鼓勵學弟學 妹積極服務他人,發揮創意精神。 香港中文大學校友會聯會教育基金會有限公司在 香港共開辦兩所幼稚園、一所小學及兩所中學,同 時致力籌款支持內地貧困地區發展小學教育。該公 司屬下的「中國教育發展基金」設立及管理「小扁 擔勵學行動」,成立至今共捐建了三十所學校,包 括二十七所小學及三所中學,分布廣東省、湖南省 及四川省,反映中大校友對下一代教育的關注和 承擔。 2005-06, a number of new alumni associations were established. They include: the US Midwest Chapter of the CUHK Alumni Association, the Alumni Association of France, the Automation and Computer-aided Engineering Alumni Association, and the Chinese Medicine Alumni Association. Subsequent to the publication of Our New York Experiences — Voices from the CUHK Alumni in 2001 by the Greater New York Alumni Association, the Northern California Alumni Association produced what has become the second in a series of CUHK alumni publications titled The CUHK Alumni in San Francisco Bay Area in celebration of the association’s silver jubilee. CUHK alumni have consistently taken interest in social and educational issues at large as well as the development of CUHK. In the past 12 years since its establishment, the CUHK Convocation facilitated numerous opportunities for alumni to express their views towards these issues and the views gathered were referred to the parties concerned. To encourage student service and creativity, the convocation founded the annual CUHK Convocation Outstanding Services and Creativity Student Awards. In addition, the Education Foundation of the Federation of CUHK Alumni Associations continued to contribute to local education. The foundation now operates two kindergartens, one primary school and two secondary schools in Hong Kong. It also raises funds to support poor regions in China. With new schools established recently across Guangdong, Hunan and Sichuan, the total number of the foundation’s schools in China has grown to 30.