Annual Report 2005–06

80 A cademic support facilities 教學輔助設施 圖書館服務 年內除七萬五千九百一十四冊新增書籍外,圖書館 館藏還增添了超過四萬五千冊電子書、九百一十六 種期刊、六千一百九十八種電子期刊、三十二種數 據庫及十種電子報章,另獲贈書刊二萬五千六百五 十七冊。 進館人數則增加了百分之九,而讀者數目亦增加了 百分之六。另外,圖書館舉辦了三百零二次資訊素 養課程,出席人數達七千四百四十三人次。 服務新猷 圖書館除舉辦面授的資訊素養課程外,還開發了一 個網上互動學習平台,以協助學生辨識資訊需求及 如何有效地查找、評估及使用所獲得的資訊。這個 線上課程亦能幫助學生備試大學的「學生資訊科技 能力測試」內新增的資訊素養部份。 為支援雙語教學,圖書館網頁從二零零五年九月開 始,提供英文、繁體中文及簡體中文三種版本,讀者 可以在數以千計的網頁中切換使用這三種語文。 二零零五年九月開始,中大教職員、本科生及研究 生可以透過由八所大學教育資助委員會(教資會) 屬下院校圖書館合建的「港書網」,在圖書館目錄 上預約其他七所教資會轄下院校圖書館的流通書 籍,所預約的書籍會交到大學圖書館供借閱。 為方便讀者在大學圖書館內尋找資料,大學圖書館 二樓至四樓所有語種的流通書籍均已合併排列,而 所有期刊合訂本亦安放於密集書架以節省空間。 大學師生只須憑圖書證編號及密碼登錄Ea s y Access,便可遙距使用圖書館的網上資源而毋 須另行在自己的電腦或網頁瀏覽器上作任何設 定。圖書館亦為校友提供類似的安排,以方便校友 遙距使用「校友數碼圖書館服務」所提供的數據庫。 此外,圖書館新增兩個特藏,收錄民國時期及文革 時期在中國出版的資料。 Library Services In addition to 75,914 volumes of monographs, more than 45,000 electronic books, 916 print journals, 6,198 electronic journals, 32 databases and 10 electronic newspapers were added to the library collection, which was further strengthened with 25,657 gift items during the year. There was a 9% increase in user entrance and 6% increase in the number of patrons in the year. A total of 302 information literacy programmes were conducted, reaching 7,443 university members over the year. New Services In addition to face-to-face information literacy courses, the Library developed an interactive web-based learning platform to assist students in recognizing when information is needed, and in locating, evaluating and using any required information effectively. This online tutorial also supports students in preparing for the new Information Literacy section of the university-wide Student Information Technology Proficiency Test. In line with the University’s bilingual policy, effective September 2005, the library website appears in three complete versions — English, traditional Chinese and simplified Chinese. Users can switch between the three language versions on thousands of webpages. Through the Hong Kong Academic Library Link (HKALL), a joint project of the eight libraries in UGC-funded institutions, CUHK staff, undergraduate and postgraduate students may request circulating items of the other seven UGC-funded libraries at the Library Online Catalogue, and have these items delivered to the University Library for check-out. To help users locate materials in the University Library, circulating books in all languages were inter-shelved into a single sequence. All bound journals were relocated to compact shelves to save space. Without any required configuration on the user’s PC or web browser, CUHK students and staff can login ‘Easy Access’ with their library card number and password to access library web resources off campus. A similar arrangement is provided to alumni to enhance remote access of the Digital Library Service for Alumni subscribed databases.