Annual Report 2005–06

82 崇基學院牟路思怡圖書館獲教資會資助,於二零零 五年夏季大規模翻新。整所圖書館面目一新,並增 加了資訊廊、小組研討室、閑適座位區及更多的個 人研讀座位,更增設了兩組電子密集書架以舒緩空 間不足。 聯合書院胡忠多媒體圖書館亦進行了裝修工程,以 配合語文自學中心於二零零五年九月遷入。該館的 資源及設施為學生提供了一個更優良的獨立自學 環境。為支援教學,該館更增闢了一間研討室及資 訊廊。 重要捐贈 諾貝爾文學獎得主高行健先生在巴黎贈送一幅畫 作及許多資料給大學圖書館。高先生為香港中文大 學榮譽文學博士,圖書館有專門收集其生平資料及 作品的特藏。圖書館亦與法國普羅旺斯大學建立了 合作關係。普羅旺斯大學是世界上三所設有專門收 集高先生作品及資料的地方之一。 專題展覽及會議 廖一原夫人及其家屬慨慷捐贈超逾七百件廖先生 生前珍藏予大學圖書館,大學圖書館於二零零五年 九月二十五至十月二十三日在大學圖書館展覽廳舉 辦了「廖一原夫人捐贈藏品展」。 二零零五年十二月一至十五日在大學圖書館大堂舉 辦了「榮譽博士著作展」,其中包括金耀基教授及 李亦園教授慨贈的作品。 為表彰胡秀英教授七十年來在植物分類學上的傑 出貢獻,以及推廣本地對植物分類學及中草藥的認 識與興趣,大學圖書館在展覽廳舉辦了「秀苑擷英 ──胡秀英教授學術成就展」,展期從二零零六年 二月十日至三月二十六日。 sets of electronic compact shelving systems were installed to relieve the space problem. The United College Wu Chung Multimedia Library was also refurbished to make way for the Independent Learning Centre (ILC) in September 2005. Students can now use the resources and facilities of the library in an enhanced independent learning environment. A seminar room and an information commons were added to support teaching. A Major Donation In Paris in June, Nobel Laureate in Literature and Honorary Graduate of the University, Mr. Gao Xingjian, generously donated one of his original paintings and many other items to the library’s special collection which records and celebrates his life and work. Cooperative links with the Université de Provence (Aix-Marseille I), one of only two other places in the world where Gao’s work is assiduously collected, were also established. Featured Exhibitions and Conference Mrs. Liu Yat-yuen and her family donated more than 700 pieces of the late Mr. Liu’s valuable collection to the University Library. An exhibition of Mrs. Liu’s donations was held from 26 September to 23 October 2005 at the Exhibition Hall of the library. The Publication Exhibition of Honorary Graduands, which included donations from Prof. Ambrose King Yeo-chi and Prof. Li Yihyuan, was held from 1 to 15 December 2005 in the lobby of the University Library. In recognition of the contributions of Prof. Hu Shiu-ying in plant taxonomy for over 70 years and to promote interest in plant taxonomy and Chinese medicinal herbs, the ‘World-renowned Botanist Professor Shiu-Ying Hu’s Contributions to Plant Taxonomy’ Exhibition was held from 10 February to 26 March 2006 in the Exhibition Hall. In line with the 2006 Homecoming of the Alumni Affairs Office and the appeal for donations of academic and non-academic publications 圖書館藏書量 ( 截至二零零六年六月三十日 ) Holdings of the Library System as at 30 June 2006 種類 Category 東方語文 Eastern Languages 西方語文 Western Languages 總數 Total 書 Books 774,084 929,152 1,703,236 期刊合訂本 Bound Periodicals 63,192 232,342 295,534 各類學報期刊 Current Periodicals 4,127 10,414 14,541 電子資料庫 Electronic Databases 188 434 622 電子期刊 Electronic Journals 8,309 22,971 31,280 總數 Total 849,900 1,195,313 2,045,213