Annual Report 2005–06

84 同時,資訊科技服務處與中國科學院轄下的計算機 網絡資訊中心達成多項合作協議,促進兩地的科研 交流和普及科學知識,其中包括在中大成立「中國 科普博覽」香港鏡像網站。中大和中科院在其後舉 辦的著名講座,如「神舟六號航天講座」及「科技 倫理會議報告會」等,均於「中國科普博覽」網進行 網上直播,讓兩地學子打破地域界限,除了一睹大 師的風采外,亦可啟發思維。 加強資訊保安防禦措施 隨著互聯網技術的發展,病毒及垃圾電郵亦日益肆 虐,數量多達大學電郵系統總流量的百分之六十五 至七十,不必要地加重電郵伺服器的負荷,也花去 用戶不少時間閱讀及刪除該等郵件。因此,大學設 立了「垃圾電郵及病毒攔截系統」,它可於網絡閘 口偵測逾九成的病毒或垃圾電郵,將之攔截,確保 電子通訊運作暢順。 在鞏固部門的資訊防禦方面,資訊科技服務處 為「統一威脅管理系統」(UnifiedThreat Manage- ment, UTM )進行測試及招標,繼而推廣予各部門 使用。該處同時提供諮詢、技術支援及人員培訓服 務。這類具防病毒與防火牆功能的設備安裝簡單, 操作容易,至今已有五十台UTM系統於校內部門使 用,不但增強部門系統的安全性,還減輕了網絡管 理人員的工作負擔。 此外,為部門的網絡管理員而設的資訊保安「網上 資源中心」於二零零五年十二月運作,該網站內容 涵蓋資訊保安的最新發展、各類保安警報及有關的 防禦措施,來自不同部門的網絡管理員亦可藉這個 平台交流經驗和訊息。 Spam and viruses have become a growing problem, accounting for 65% to 70% of the 350,000 e-mail messages received by the Campus-wide E-mail System daily. But thanks to the Anti-Spam Anti-Virus (ASAV) Gateway launched in the year, efficient electronic communication was maintained. The gateway reduced over 90% of spam and viruses by detecting and blocking them at network level, thus alleviating the load on e-mail servers and saving time for users. To strengthen departments’ ability to combat security threats, the ITSC tested and issued a tender for Unified Threat Management (UTM) systems. During the year 50 sets of UTM systems were deployed in departments, offering a combination of firewall and anti-virus functions. With consultation, technical support and training provided by ITSC, these UTM systems reduced the support workload of department LAN administrators. In addition, a LAN administrators’ resource website was set up in December 2005 for LAN administrators to learn about the latest developments in information security, security alerts and protection measures. It also served as a platform for them to exchange experience and news. The protection measures reached as far as the personal level. The campus site licence for anti-virus software purchased since 1999 offered all University computers and the personal computers of staff and students protection against viruses, spyware, and hacking. To heighten user awareness and understanding of information security, security-related articles were run in the ITSC Digest , and talks and seminars were held throughout the year Progress in Computerization An information portal, MyCUHK, began serving the University community in September 2005. By means of a single sign-in, MyCUHK provides personalized information services such as e-Learning, course registration, e-mail, and campus news. Data access by staff and students was greatly improved as computer applications of administrative units such as the Office of Registry Services, Bursary and Personnel Offices were integrated