Annual Report 2005–06
教學輔助設施 Academic Support Facilities 85 在個人層面,資訊科技服務處自一九九九年起,與 防毒軟件商簽訂全校授權合約,供全體教職員及學 生下載使用,以防禦各種病毒、間諜程式、駭客入 侵個人電腦,也達到保護校園網絡的效益。此外, 該處亦從教育及宣傳著手,除一如以往在《資訊科 技服務處網上雜誌》宣傳外,年內還舉辦了一系列 資訊保安講座,並派該處的電算師出席書院的聚 會,提高校內人士對資訊保安的重視與認識。 持續推行校務行政電腦化 MyCUHK入門網站於二零零五至零六年度投入 服務,透過單一認證模式,向校內教職員及學生 提供個人化的資訊服務,包括網上教學、選課資 料、電郵系統及校內公告等。多個行政單位如教 務處、財務處、人事處等的應用系統,亦已納入 MyCUHK中,有助提升校內資訊運用的效率,並成 為日後發展各項應用系統的共同平台。 收款暨印發收據系統推出後隨即於校內廣泛使用, 其優點在於能自動把部門所收的款項帳目傳送至 大學的會計系統,不但節省人手,也提高了賬目處 理效率及資料更新的速度。目前校內有一百一十個 部門使用這個系統。 年內,資訊科技服務處還推出一系列電腦應用系 統,以配合校務行政電腦化的進程。這包括了供研 究院使用的選課系統、商務組的畢業袍租借系統、 大學擴展教育課程局的副學士、證書及文憑課程管 理系統、財務處的定息存款證系統、物業管理處的 職員宿舍維修欠款通知書系統,以及受師生歡迎的 網上問卷調查系統等。 為使大學基層員工掌握電腦應用技巧及知識,資訊 科技服務處於二零零五年十二月開始,舉辦丙類員 工資訊科技培訓課程,報名情況相當踴躍,目前已 有二百多名物業管理處的基層員工完成課程。 鞏固資訊科技基礎設施 位於碧秋樓地下的中央電腦房,在維持大學各關鍵 電腦系統的正常運作及數據備份等方面,擔當重要 角色。因應各類電腦應用系統的數據量於過去一年 增長幾近一倍,中央電腦房遂於二零零五至零六年 度內,逐步採用D2D2T(磁碟到磁碟到磁帶)分階 式備份架構。這項措施除了縮短備份的時間,也加 快資料復原的速度,因系統故障而停機的時間亦得 以大幅度縮短,數據備份系統的整體效能因而顯著 提升。 在資訊無間的年代,個人掌上型裝置逐漸在校內普 及,也衍生了利用這類裝置無線上網的需求。有見 及此,遍布校園的無線區域網絡在該年度開始支援 掌上型裝置(PDA),使上網選擇更多元化。 為各部門的網絡管理員舉辦的資訊保安分享會 A sharing session on information security for LAN administrators into MyCUHK. This portal will also be used as a common interface for applications developed in the future. The Income Collection and Receipt Issuance System (IRIS) was widely adopted by departments. The system streamlines the income collection and receipt issuance process and automatically uploads transaction files to the University’s accounting system, thereby eliminating error and saving time. Currently 110 departments and units are using this system. A number of other computer applications were also introduced to further computerize the University’s administrative operations. These were the New Course Registration System for the Graduate School, the Congregation Gown Rental System for the Business Office, the Fixed Rate Certificates of Deposit (FRCD) System for the Bursary, the Sub- degree and Certificate/Diploma Programmes Management System for the University Extension Board, the Works Order Debit Note System for Estates Management Office (EMO) internal works order of University Staff Quarters. In addition, the e-Survey System was well received by teachers and students. Computer training courses for staff were extended to the University’s junior staff. Over 200 junior staff from EMO enrolled. Strengthening Information Infrastructure The Central Computer Room located on the ground floor of the Pi-Chiu Building played an important role in ensuring smooth operation of the University’s critical systems and backup services. As the data volume of various computer systems almost doubled in the previous year, the Central Computer Room’s backup facilities were gradually migrated to D2D2T (Disk to Disk to Tape) technology to shorten back-up time and speed up data recovery. Moreover, the length of downtime due to system failure was also reduced significantly. The overall efficiency and performance of the data back system was enhanced. As smaller and mobile computing devices such as PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants) become popular, the demand for connection to a wireless network also grew. The campus wireless network was re-configured so that it also supported PDAs, giving users more choice in accessing information.
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