Annual Report 2006–07

大學領導層 University Leadership 11 αʑᏵկͨɾɣነ˚ဳɁ ࡗ University Officer Appointed During the Year 副校長 Pro-Vice-Chancellor 程伯中教授 Prof. Ching Pak-chung (自二零零六年八月一日起) (from 1 August 2006) ᔴͨɣነ࣎໎ Outgoing Council Members 大學謹向五位離任大學校董致謝 A vote of thanks to five outgoing Council members 關信基教授 Prof. H.C. Kuan (二零零六年八月一日起榮休) (retired with effect from 1 August 2006) 鄭明訓先生 Mr. Paul M.F. Cheng (二零零七年一月二十日卸任) (membership ended on 20 January 2007) 利榮森博士 Dr. J.S. Lee (二零零七年二月二十四日辭世) (deceased on 24 February 2007) 鄺其志先生 Mr. Kwong Ki-chi (二零零七年三月三十一日卸任) (membership ended on 31 March 2007) 陳德霖先生 Mr. Norman T.L. Chan (二零零七年六月二十五日辭任) (resigned with effect from 25 June 2007)