Annual Report 2006–07

42 研 究 RESEARCH Introduction CUHK is committed to the pursuit of excellence in academic research. The seven established Faculties as well as the School of Law, and their departments provide research infrastructure to support researchers. Major institutes and smaller research units provide points of convergence for research projects of interdisciplinary nature. Together they form a vibrant community showcasing the University’s research strengths in various disciplines. New resources including endowment income and earmarked external donations were invested in chosen areas of research strength, in particular the five major areas, including Chinese Studies, Biomedical Sciences, Information Sciences, Economics and Finance, and Geo- information and Earth Sciences. CUHK has set a target that each member of the academic staff should be research active, and benchmark their research to international standards. In the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2006 of the University Grants Committee (UGC), CUHK researchers obtained a composite Research Index (RI) of 86.95%, an increase of 18.69% over the last RAE held in 1999. In 11 out of the 13 panels in RAE 2006, CUHK staff achieved higher RI than the sector-wide average, with the RIs in five panels ranking top. The proportion of eligible CUHK staff in RAE 2006 is 73.27%, which has increased by 23.13% compared to the 1999 exercise. Significant Research Achievements Faculty members continued to excel in research, as demonstrated by their achievements in all areas. The recognition by national government of the University’s unremitting efforts and academic excellence in medical research was evidenced by the approval of the Ministry of Science and Technology in October 2006 to establish the State Key Laboratory in Oncology in South China at CUHK. The laboratory, built on the foundation of CUHK’s close and long-established partnership with Sun Yat-sen University in cancer research, is a scientific research centre of national level focusing especially on cancers of high prevalence in Asia, ʵӰ 香港中文大學致力於卓越學術研究,各學院連同 其轄下學系,提供各項研究設施,以輔助研究工 作。大學主要的研究所及規模較小的研究中心, 協調無間,整合跨學科研究工作,形成一個活潑 蓬勃的整體,充分發揮大學的科研力量。 中大運用基金收益及專用校外捐款等新增資源, 重點投放於五個研究領域,分別為中國研究、生 物醫學科學、訊息科學、經濟與金融,以及地球 信息與地球科學。 中大確定目標,務求所有教員積極從事學術研 究,並達國際水平。大學教育資助委員會(教資 會)二零零六年研究評審工作結果顯示,中大教 研人員的綜合研究指數接近百分之八十七。相比 一九九九年的上一輪評審,提升約百分之十八點 七。在十三個學科組別中,中大有十一個組別的 研究指數高於平均數,其中五個組別名列榜首。 已達到或超越二零零六年研究評審工作所定的基 本質素水平的教員,佔全校有關合資格教員的百 分之七十三點二七,相比上一輪評審增加達百分 之二十三。 ࠇ ߬ ޢ Ӡιగ 年內,中大教學人員在各研究範疇持續進取,成 績斐然。 華南腫瘤學國家重點實驗室(香港中文大學)於 二零零六年十月獲中國科學技術部批准正式成 立,代表著國家對中大在醫學研究領域所付努 力的認同,以及對其卓越成就的肯定。實驗室建 基於中大與中山大學長期而緊密的腫瘤研究合作 關係,是一個專研亞洲常見癌病的國家級科研單 位。