Annual Report 2006–07

研究 Research 43 especially those threatening to the Guangdong population, such as nasopharyngeal and lung cancers. Also in the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Lo Yuk-ming Dennis (Department of Chemical Pathology) was conferred the 2006 Cheung Kong Achievement Award by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China and the Li Ka Shing Foundation. Prof. Lo was the only Hong Kong scholar to receive the honour in 2006. Four professors in the Faculty of Engineering were elected the prestigious Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Fellows in 2006, namely, Prof. Li Shuo-yen Robert (Department of Information Engineering), Prof. Zhang Yuanting (Department of Electronic Engineering), Prof. Wang Jun and Prof. Wang Yu Michael (Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering). There are now 16 IEEE Fellows in the Faculty among its current professors — the highest number among all tertiary institutions in Hong Kong. Researchers in the Faculty of Science produced five of the top 10 most cited publications amongst a total of 2,155 journal papers published in the field of photocatalysis from all institutions in China during the period 1 January 2002 to 15 September 2007. The article on fluorine-doped titanium dioxide published by Prof. Yu Chai-mei Jimmy (Department of Chemistry) tops the list with 172 citations. Prof. Yu was bestowed the honour of ‘Most Cited Author’ three times. His 2006 paper on sulfur-doped titanium dioxide was also recognized as a ‘Most Requested Article’. The Department of Management of the Faculty of Business Administration ranked third in the world for the number of publications in the Journal of International Business Studies , a top international business journal, during the period 1995–2006. The Department also ranked first in international business research worldwide by the International Business Review in 2006. The ranking result recognized CUHK faculty members’ academic achievements, productivity, and contributions to international research. The Department of Educational Administration and Policy, Faculty of Education, was admitted as the first Asian member of the prestigious University Council for Educational Administration in November 2006. 醫學院盧煜明教授(化學病理學系),獲中國教育 部及香港李嘉誠基金會頒授二零零六年長江學者成 就獎,是該年度唯一獲獎的香港學者。 工程學院李碩彥教授(訊息工程學系)、張元亭教 授(電子工程學系)、王鈞教授及王煜教授(機械 與自動化工程學系),於二零零六年獲國際工程學 權威組織電機及電子工程師學會(IEEE)選為院 士,令中大的 IEEE 院士總數增至十六名,數目為 本地大學之冠。 在二零零二年一月一日至二零零七年九月十五日期 間,全國大學和科研機構在國際期刊上共發表二千 一百五十五篇有關光催化的論文,當中引用率最高 者,由中大理學院研究學者發表的十佔其五,而以 余濟美教授(化學系)一篇有關氟摻雜二氧化鈦的 文章獨佔鰲頭,共被引用一百七十二次。余教授三 次獲國際雜誌評為「被引用最多作者」,其在二零 零六年發表的有關硫摻雜二氧化鈦的文章亦獲評為 「最常索閱文章」。 以一九九五年至二零零六年在世界著名商業期刊 Journal of International Business Studies 發表論文 的數目計,工商管理學院管理學系全球排名第三; 在二零零六年,於另一國際商業期刊 International Business Review 發表的論文數目,更名列榜首。 這肯定了學院教員的學術成就、生產力及對國際商 業研究的貢獻。 教育學院教育行政與政策學系於二零零六年十一 月獲著名的 University Council for Educational Administration(UCEA) 授予會員資格,成為全亞洲 首名會員。 盧煜明教授獲長江學者成就獎 Prof. Lo Yuk-ming Dennis was conferred the 2006 Cheung Kong Achievement Award