Annual Report 2006–07

68 Conference grants: financial assistance was given by the University to 293 staff members to attend academic and professional conferences overseas and in Hong Kong Reimbursement of training and development expenses: successful applicants were reimbursed via their departments/units’ training budget to attend job-related seminars, workshops, and training programmes run by external organizations The Staff Training and Development Unit of the Personnel Office organized training workshops and a total of 3,139 staff attendances were recorded for various workshops in the year under review. Apart from training workshops on improvement of job skills, seminars and workshops were also organized to promote employee well-being and work-life balance The Information Technology Services Centre organized various computer education programmes for 998 staff members of the University. These included training on office applications, web-based teaching tools, Internet security solutions, special programmes, etc. specific to the University’s IT environment. The programmes were delivered through instructor-based lectures, online teaching and self-learning courses The Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research ran a number of courses and activities designed to support teaching and learning enhancement for teaching staff members. There were about 500 attendances in such events in the year under review • • • • • 人事處員工培訓及發展組繼續為不同職級的員 工舉辦培訓課程,參加者達三千一百三十九人 次。該組除策劃各種提升工作技能的工作坊 外,亦籌辦講座,促進員工工作與生活平衡、 提升生活質素 資訊科技服務處為大學九百九十八名員工舉辦 多項電腦課程,包括辦公室軟件應用、網上教 學工具運用、網絡保安和使用大學資訊科技服 務的特設課程等,以課堂講授、網上教授或自 學的形式進行 學能提升研究中心繼續開辦多元化的教學講座 和活動,輔助教學人員提升教學和學習質素, 年內參加者達五百人次 ‧ ‧ ‧ 劉遵義校長(左七)頒發二零零六至零七年度員工優異服務獎 Members of the University were presented the Exemplary Service Award 2006–07 by Prof. Lawrence J. Lau (7th left), Vice-Chancellor