Annual Report 2006–07

教職員 Staff 69 Other New Personnel Policies, Services, and Conditions of Service Upward Pay Level Adjustment for Non-Teaching Posts The University, making reference to the outcome of the 2006 Civil Service Pay Level Survey, decided that the salary scales of non- teaching posts that carried the reduced salary scales (at -4% or - 10% upon the implementation of the 2004 Pay Level Adjustment) be adjusted upwards with effect from 1 July 2007 to the following order: Terms of Service (A) posts: + 2.8% Terms of Service (B) / (C) posts : + 7% Five-Day Operation Week (5DW) The University supported the Government’s initiative to implement a five-day operation week, for a better work-life balance for its staff members while maintaining overall operational efficiency and essential services. Starting from 1 January 2007, the University’s Usual Operating Hours are re-defined as follows: Monday to Thursday: 8:45 am to 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm to 5:30 pm Friday: 8:45 am to 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm to 5:45 pm Although the University operates mainly on a 5DW basis, there are still a limited number of Saturday classes and examinations. Research activities are not affected. Departments and units responsible for security matters and emergency maintenance services, as well as those in charge of the use of common facilities/amenities continue to maintain their operations beyond the University’s Usual Operating Hours. Major student service units were manned by skeleton staff on Saturday mornings during the transitional period and such arrangement was phased out in the second half of 2007. Enhancement of the University Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) System The University introduced one additional MPF master trust scheme for members’ selection with effect from 1 May 2007. Under the enhanced University MPF System, there are two MPF master trust schemes and scheme members may opt to switch between the two schemes during their employment at the University once a year. Consolidated Sick Leave Regulations With a view to providing consistent and clearer guidelines on sick leave administration, a consolidated set of sick leave regulations applicable to all full-time appointees was introduced with effect from 1 July 2007. ԯˢɁԑ ܧ ೪d ר ৻ၤ ר ৻ૈͧ 調升非教學職位薪酬水平 大學參考二零零六年度政府公務員與私人機構薪酬 水平比較調查之結果,決定由二零零七年七月一日 起,按下述百分比上調非教學職位(即曾於二零零 四年薪酬水平下調百分之四或百分之十者)的薪酬 水平: 「甲」類服務條款及相類職位: + 2.8% 「乙」/「丙」類服務條款及相類職位:+ 7% 實施五天工作周 大學支持政府推行的五天工作周計劃,在維持整體 運作效率不變及服務必須不受影響下,讓員工在工 作及家庭生活兩方面取得更佳平衡。由二零零七年 一月一日起,大學的辦公時間更改為: 星期一至星期四 : 上午八時四十五分至下午一時 下午二時至下午五時三十分 星期五 : 上午八時四十五分至下午一時 下午二時至下午五時四十五分 雖然大學整體以五天工作周模式運作,但少量課堂 及考試仍會編排於周六進行,研究活動亦不受影 響。提供保安、大學設施及緊急維修服務的部門將 維持一貫運作,而提供學生服務的單位,於二零 零七年上半年的星期六上午按過渡性安排,提供最 起碼服務,並於二零零七年下半年逐步實施五天工 作周。 大學強積金計劃更趨完善 大學引進多一個強積金集成信託計劃,於二零零七 年五月一日起生效,並開放予所有強積金計劃成員 選擇。僱員可自由選擇參加其中一個集成信託計 劃,並可每年轉換計劃一次。 劃一病假規則 為提供一致及清晰的病假管理指引,大學於二零零 七年七月一日推行一套劃一適用於所有全職僱員的 病假規則。