Annual Report 2006–07

校園發展與環境保護 Campus Development and Environmental Protection 89 校園西陲綜合教學大樓興建天橋連接聯合書院 An overhead walkway under construction to connect the United Campus and Teaching Complex at Western Campus ࣎ʑ͚஝ 交通組定期檢查校內穿梭巴士,確保其性能處於 最佳狀態,減少排放黑煙,以免對環境造成影 響。為推廣環保意識,校方鼓勵所有司機停車時 關掉引擎。 為配合校園的可持續發展,大學致力建造利於步 行的校園,鼓勵大學成員邁開健步,減少使用校 巴及汽車,以保持校園綠化,空氣清新。 由於校園依山而建,地勢高低層迭,所以蒙民偉 樓、何善衡工程學大樓等建築物,全部附設升降 機,以方便行人到達校園各區。貫通港鐵大學站 至新亞及聯合校園的縱向步行系統,包括電梯、 天橋及行人徑,已漸見規模;位於陳震夏宿舍連 接聯合校園及研究生宿舍的新縱向電梯及天橋亦 已建成。 此外,名為校園西陲綜合教學大樓的李達三樓重 建項目,將興建電梯及天橋連接中央校園的西面 至聯合校園。大學將在多個大型工程項目,包括 新教學大樓及學生活動中心,繼續物色適合發展 步行系統的地點,致力開拓貫通整個校園的完善 縱向步行系統,配合機動設施,令徒步穿梭校園 更輕鬆自在。 ધգ቏՞ 為保障行人安全,年內大學已完成十二項斜坡鞏 固工程,另有十二項工程正在施工,所有工程均 符合校園樹木保育政策。其中位於士林路旁近網 球場與及中央道北面的兩項大型斜坡鞏固工程, 已於二零零七年九月開學前完成,減少對師生的 影響。 Capital Projects During the year, four capital projects related to the 3+3+4 academic reform received UGC’s funding for detailed design. These include: Third Integrated Teaching Building Student Amenity Centre University Library Extension on Central Campus Centralized General Research Lab Complex (Block 1) The construction works of the Teaching Building at Chak Cheung Street commenced in July 2007 targeting for completion in the third quarter of 2009. The Public Works Subcommittee paper for the 1,500- place Student Hostels was submitted in November 2007. Major capital projects have been proceeding at various stages progressively. The majority of the laboratories at the Centralized Science Laboratories Building are in operation. The Clinical Science Building Extension at Prince of Wales Hospital has been gradually handed over to the users. The superstructure construction of the Teaching Complex at Western Campus has risen to 2/F targeting for completion by the third quarter of 2008, whilst site preparation and foundation works for Satellite Remote Sensing Receiving Station Phase II are in fair progress. Transportation To reduce black smoke, the Transport Unit regularly checks and maintains the vehicles to keep them in top mechanical condition, so that they operate in the most efficient manner and with the least impact on the environment. Besides, ‘Engine Off, Wait Green’ is being promoted to all drivers to raise public awareness about green driving practice. In line with the sustainable development of the campus, the University tries to build a pedestrian-friendly campus with the goal to encourage walking for health and to reduce the usage of school buses or private cars for a greener environment. Buildings such as Mong Man Wai Building and Ho Sin Hang Engineering Building have been designed with elevators to provide access to different topographical levels. The development of a vertical pedestrian link system from University Station, MTR to New Asia Campus and United Campus via Central Campus including vertical lifts, footbridges and footpaths is gradually taking shape. New vertical lift and footbridge were constructed at the Chan Chun Ha Hostel linking United Campus and the Postgraduate Halls. Lift and Bridge Pedestrian Link at the west end of the Mall to United College is under construction by making use of the redevelopment of Li Dak Sum Building known as the Teaching Complex at Western Campus. Mapping out other locations is a non-stop process on the projects in the pipeline such as the Integrated Teaching Building, and the Student Amenity Centre. It is our aim to have the entire campus well connected by vertical pedestrian routes and linkage with mechanical means in height negotiation. • • • •