Annual Report 2007–08

4 研究卓著 人才輩出 二零零八年三月,中大獲國家科學技術部 批准,成立農業生物技術國家重點實驗室 (香港中文大學),以分子生物科技增加 水稻產量,提高稻米營養價值。加上二零 零六年成立的華南腫瘤學國家重點實驗室 (香港中文大學),大學現有兩間國家重 點實驗室,足證我校研究根基穩固,實力 雄厚,迭獲國家肯定。 另一方面,首個由中國科學院與本港大學 攜手建置的研究所—中國科學院香港 中文大學深圳先進集成技術研究所,自 二零零六年九月成立至今,發展迅速,現 設有七個研究中心和六間實驗室,聘用逾 二百二十名科研人員,在發表學術著作、 申撥款項、註冊專利方面,成績驕人。 由醫學院李嘉誠醫學講座教授盧煜明教 授及其研究團隊進行的「母體血漿胎兒核 酸研究中心」項目,獲教資會甄選為第四 輪卓越學科領域計劃兩個項目之一。在其 他多個領域,中大研究隊伍亦各擅勝場, 屢獲殊榮。自動化與計算機輔助工程學 講座教授徐揚生教授獲選為中國工程院 院士;計算機科學與工程學系呂榮聰教授 和化學系成公明教授獲頒裘槎基金會優 秀科研者獎,表彰他們對科學的貢獻; 中大的國際電機電子工程師學會(IEEE) 院士人數,素為全港院校之冠,二零零八 年再有電子工程學系孟慶虎教授和訊息 工程學系邱達民教授獲選為IEEE院士, 更是錦上添花。 The School of Law, formally inaugurated in November 2006, was upgraded to Faculty status on 1 August 2008. Prof. Michael McConville, Simon F.S. Li Professor of Law, was appointed the first Dean of the Faculty. Legal experts and distinguished scholars were recruited to teach a wide range of programmes. Student intake continued to grow in number and in quality. The Faculty is poised to make significant impact on legal education and in the practice of law in Hong Kong and the region. Research In March 2008, the Ministry of Science and Technology of China approved the establishment of the State Key Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology (CUHK) which will apply molecular biotechnology to the enhancement of rice yields and the nutritive value of rice crops. Together with the State Key Laboratory in Oncology in South China (CUHK), established in 2006, we now have two state key laboratories based at the Chinese University, thus reaffirming national recognition of our outstanding research strength and quality in specific strategic areas. Being the first research institute jointly sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a university in Hong Kong, the CAS—CUHK Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Integration Technology, established in September 2006, has made notable progress. With the setting up of seven research centres and six laboratories supported by more than 220 staff members, the Institute generated remarkable output in the form of publications, grant income, and patents. The project ‘Centre for Research into Circulating Fetal Nucleic Acids’ by Prof. Dennis Y.M. Lo, Li Ka Shing Professor of Medicine, and his team was awarded an Areas of Excellence (AoE) grant, one of only two such grants made in the fourth round of UGC’s AoE exercise. In many other fields our researchers were also awarded honours and accolades, including Prof. Xu Yangsheng, Professor of Automation and Computer-Aided Engineering, who was elected a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering; Prof. Lyu Rung-tsong Michael of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, and Prof. Shing Kung-ming Tony of the Department of Chemistry, who were awarded Croucher Senior Research Fellowships for their outstanding achievements in the international scientific community; and Prof. Max Q.H. Meng of the Department of Electronic Engineering and Prof. Chiu Dah-ming Winston of the Department of Information Engineering, who were both elected fellows of the prestigious Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in 2008, pushing up even further the total number of IEEE Fellows at CUHK, which was already the highest among local institutions. 盧煜明教授(後排中)及其研究團隊 Prof. Dennis Y.M. Lo (centre, back row) with his team of researchers