Annual Report 2007–08

3 引 言 Introduction systems. ’ The QAC’s recognition of the quality of our teaching and learning was specifically spelt out in its 11 commendations. It also affirmed many measures formulated by the University for continuous self-improvement. I am pleased with the definitive recognition given to our commitment to quality education by the independent panel, and must thank all the members of the University who helped with the preparations for the audit exercise and presented our quality assurance measures and systems to the panel. Their travails have been judiciously rewarded. Academic Development The Chinese University has always sought to enhance its existing academic programmes and introduce new ones to better serve the evolving needs of society. During the year under review, six new undergraduate programmes, one double degree option in business and engineering, and 13 new postgraduate programmes were introduced. A total of 10 double degree programmes/ options including co-terminal double degree programmes were implemented. 二零零六年十一月成立的法律學院,於 二零零八年八月一日升格,李福善法律學 講座教授麥高偉教授獲委任為首任院長。 學院又得多位傑出法律專家和知名學者 加盟,講授多項課程,收生的質與量也與 日俱升。對於提升本港以至區內的法律教 育,促進業界發展,法律學院的貢獻指日 可待。 校長劉遵義教授 Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, President and Vice-Chancellor