Annual Report 2007–08

8 New Colleges Significant progress was made in strengthening our college system through the establishment of five new Colleges. Construction of Morningside College and S.H. Ho College is scheduled to be completed at the end of 2010. Proposals for the construction of C.W. Chu College and Wu Yee Sun College were being prepared by architectural consultants. In June 2008, Prof. Joseph W.Y. Lau, Professor of Surgery, was appointed Master-Designate of Lee Woo Sing College, and the site for the College was confirmed and its architectural plans finalized. With the establishment of the five new Colleges, we shall be able to accommodate in full the 3,000 additional undergraduates to be expected in 2012. Meanwhile, efforts were being made to assist the existing Colleges in expanding their capacities and upgrading their facilities. Master Planning for a Sustainable Campus In February 2008, the University appointed Aedas Ltd and its overseas partner Edward Cullinan Architects (UK) as consultants to lead the Campus Master Planning. This was followed by two rounds of engagement activities in 2008 for different stakeholder groups, in which the needs, expectations, and ideas of our students, staff and alumni for the design of our future campus were collected and carefully considered by the planners. From these engagement and view collection activities, it appeared that six key planning principles, namely, conserving the places of value, places for academic and recreational activities, enhancing college life, a landscape of vital importance, a pedestrian-friendly campus, making a sustainable campus, were widely accepted. I am delighted to see the sense of ownership and the many constructive opinions expressed by all parties concerned. Given the extensiveness of the engagement and the enthusiasm of the responses, I am confident that the consultants will very soon provide a framework for the long-term sustainable development of our campus in 2021 and beyond. 添新書院 深植根基 五所新書院相繼成立,中大獨有的書院制 更形充實。晨興書院、善衡書院的校舍已 經動工興建,期於二零一零年年底落成; 至於敬文書院和伍宜孫書院,建築師正在 研擬校舍施工方案。二零零八年六月,大 學委任外科講座教授劉允怡教授出掌和 聲書院,院址業已選定,建築設計亦告完 成。五所新書院之設,使我校能夠完全吸 納二零一二年新增之三千名本科生。大學 同時會繼續協助現有四所書院加強設施, 更新設備。 擘劃校園 長慮遠圖 二零零八年二月,大學委任凱達環球有限 公司及其海外夥伴英國葛艾活建築師事 務所為校園發展規劃顧問。顧問公司隨即 為大學各方成員展開兩輪交流活動,充分 聽取同學、教職員、校友的想法和期望。 上述活動所蒐集的意見,大致可歸納為 六大規劃重點,即文化景貌保育、教研康 體設施、校園生活、校園景觀、樂步健行 校園、可持續發展校園。校友員生愛校情 切,紛紛建言,嘉謀嘉猷,大學是賴。得到 各方踴躍回應,相信顧問公司定能博採眾 議,為二零二一年以後的校園規劃,早日擬 訂長遠而可持續的發展方案。 劉允怡教授 Prof. Joseph W.Y. Lau 左起:葛艾活先生、凱達環球有限公司董事總經理施家殷先生、中大校園發展計劃督導委員會 聯席主席程伯中副校長、聯席主席白思德教授及成員林雲峰教授 From left: Mr. Edward Cullinan, Mr. Kyran Sze, managing director, Aedas Limited, Prof. Ching Pak-chung, co-chairman, Prof. Essy Baniassad, co-chairman, and Prof. Bernard Lim, member, Steering Committee on CMP, CUHK