Annual Report 2007–08

9 引 言 Introduction Of the Community For the Community The year 2008 brought both tribulation and jubilation to the people of Hong Kong and China. In May, an earthquake in Sichuan took thousands of lives but rallied the country in a common cause for relief and rehabilitation. CUHK lost no time in mobilizing its financial and human capital to support relief work. I was heartened to see the entire University community uniting and responding in a swift manner, contributing a total of more than $1.35 million, and drawing on their expertise to provide medical and counselling services for the survivors. I am pleased to see such efforts continue to this day. In the summer of 2008, we shared the joy and excitement of Chinese all over the world. CUHK members warmed to the Beijing Olympics by first taking part in the Torch Relay in Hong Kong in early May, and then in the Olympic Equestrian Events which took place on the doorstep of our campus. A festive spirit pervaded the campus as the CUHK Carnival in August added fun and fanfare to the Equestrian Events and the Olympics, and at the same time, inaugurated the celebration of the 45th anniversary of the University. The year 2007–08 saw the University taking sure and steady steps towards its goals. In bringing this introduction to a close, I would like to thank our alumni, friends and benefactors without whose generous support we would not have achieved so much in so short a time. Their unwavering support will be a source of faith and strength as we take on new challenges and strive to excel in our future endeavours. Lawrence J. Lau President and Vice-Chancellor December 2008 取諸社會 用諸社會 對香港人和全國同胞來說,二零零八年 是悲欣交集的一年。五月,四川地震,數 以萬計生靈塗炭,全國上下一心,戮力救 災。中大同人哀痛之餘,旋即動員人力財 力,解救同胞倒懸之危,分秒必爭。多位 教員奔赴蜀地,為災民提供醫療和輔導 服務,校內則籌得逾一百三十五萬港元賑 災。國難當前,大家同心同德,奉獻己力未 嘗稍歇,實在令人鼓舞。 二零零八年夏天,中大與全球華人一道, 以興奮雀躍的心情投入北京奧運盛事。五 月上旬,中大成員參與香港的火炬傳遞, 為迎接京奧來臨暖身;其後在離校門咫尺 之遙舉行的奧運馬術比賽,我們亦全力支 持。八月,我們舉辦「中大嘉年華—支持 奧運精神」活動,使奧運氣氛洋溢校園, 並為大學四十五周年校慶掀起序幕。 二零零七至零八年度,中大拾級而上,穩 步邁向目標,一年之間進步長足,全賴大 家鼎力護持,慷慨贊襄。歷屆校友和各方 友好長久以來對中文大學堅定不移的支 持,是中大人信心之泉源,動力之根本, 俾我們不斷開疆拓宇,使中大的教研水 平更臻佳境。卒章之際,敬鳴謝忱,永誌 雅誼。 校長 劉遵義 二零零八年十二月 陳啟明教授(右一)發起的「站起來」骨科康復計劃,致力協助 地震的截肢傷者重過新生 The project ‘Stand TALL’ initiated by Prof. Chan Kai-ming Cavor (1st right) is aimed at helping Sichuan earthquake amputees achieve total rehabilitation and social integration 中大學生姚俊勤獲選為火炬手 Yiu Chun-kan, CUHK student, was one of torchbearers