Annual Report 2007–08

30 醫學院大事掠影 Major Events in the Faculty of Medicine • 那打素護理學院於二零零八年三月二十八日舉辦「流金頌培訓計 劃揭幕禮暨研討會」,該計劃隸屬「流金頌:賽馬會長者計劃新里 程」五年計劃,為市民大眾、非專業護理人員及家庭照顧者,以及 從事護老工作之醫護及社福界專業人員,提供一般及專業的老年 學教育及培訓。 The Nethersole School of Nursing held the kick-off ceremony cum symposium for CADENZA Training Programme on 28 March 2008. It is part of the five-year project ‘CADENZA: A Jockey Club Initiative for Seniors’, which provides general and professional gerontological education to the general public, informal and family caregivers of older people, and professional health care and social workers. • 中大與香港理工大學於二零零七年八月一日聯合成立香港賽馬會 運動醫學及健康科學中心,將兩所大學與運動及健康科學相關的 部門重組成十四個單位,為精英運動員及運動愛好者提供高水平 的臨床服務。中心亦加強專業醫療人員於運動醫學及運動健康科 學之教育及培訓,並在社區推廣運動,促進公眾健康。 CUHK and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University jointly set up the Hong Kong Jockey Club Sports Medicine and Health Sciences Centre. Officially established on 1 August 2007, the centre provides high-quality clinical services to elite athletes and amateur sportspeople through the 14 existing sports and health sciences-related laboratories and facilities reorganized from both universities. The collaboration also strengthens sports medicine research and sports health education training for allied health staff, which will raise the overall quality of services and promote physical exercise within the community. • 李嘉誠健康科學研究所於二零零七年九月七日揭幕,在開幕禮上, 李嘉誠基金會宣布繼二零零五年向研究所捐資一億港元後,再度 捐款二千萬港元成立第二個「李嘉誠講座教授席」。生理學教授 兼上皮細胞生物學研究中心主任陳小章教授獲邀出任該教席。 The new Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences was inaugurated on 7 September 2007. At the opening ceremony, Li Ka Shing Foundation announced the establishment of a second Li Ka Shing Professorship, worth HK$20 million, on top of the HK$100 million donated to the institute in 2005. Prof. Chan Hsiao-chang, Professor of Physiology and Director of Epithelial Cell Biology Research Centre, was awarded this new professorship. 1. 流金頌培訓計劃揭幕禮 Kick-off ceremony for CADENZA Training Programme 2. 香港賽馬會運動醫學及健康科學中心項目管理委員會 第一次會議 The first Project Management Committee meeting of the Hong Kong Jockey Club Sports Medicine and Health Sciences Centre 3. 李嘉誠健康科學研究所開幕典禮 Opening ceremony of Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences 1 3 2