Annual Report 2007–08

29 學 術 發 展 Academic Development • 「微軟香港中文大學利群計算及界面科技聯合實驗室」於二零零八年 四月獲教育部批准,升格為「中大利群計算及界面科技教育部—微軟 重點實驗室」。 The Microsoft–CUHK Joint Laboratory for Human-Centric Computing and Interface Technologies obtained an upgrade approval from the State Ministry of Education (MoE) to become the CUHK MoE–Microsoft Key Laboratory of Human-Centric Computing and Interface Technologies in April 2008. • 機械與自動化工程學系、機械人及科技教育中心,聯同香港科技教育學 會,於二零零八年七月合辦「二零零八信興全國互聯網機械人大賽」,並 把比賽首次拓展至國內主要城市,邀請學界參加。為期四天的決賽,吸引 逾四百名來自北京、長沙、廣東、香港、南海、上海及深圳的學生參賽,加 強了他們對互聯網技術、機械人設計,以及訊息操作系統程式的興趣及 認識,亦為兩地學生提供交流機會。 The Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, the Centre for Robotics and Technology Education and the Hong Kong Technology Education Association jointly organized the Shun Hing National Internet Robotics Inter-School Competition in July 2008 at CUHK. The four-day event, extended beyond Hong Kong to the mainland for its first time, had the participation of over 400 students from Beijing, Changsha, Guangdong, Hong Kong, Nanhai, Shanghai, and Shenzhen. The competition succeeded in arousing the interest and enhancing the knowledge of the competitors in Internet skills, robotics design, and techniques of operating information systems. It also created an exchange opportunity for the students of Hong Kong and the other parts of China. • 由系統工程與工程管理學系,以及信興高等工程研究所合辦的「優化與 信號處理研討會」,於二零零七年十二月十九至二十一日舉行,為業界提 供平台,分享嶄新的研究成果,探索相關領域未來的重要課題。 A workshop on Optimization and Signal Processing was held during 19–21 December 2007. Jointly organized by the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management and the Shun Hing Institute of Advanced Engineering, it provided a forum for the algorithm developers and engineering practitioners to share research ideas and identify important topics for research. 1 1. 二零零八信興全國互聯網機械人大賽 Shun Hing National Internet Robotics Inter- School Competition 2008 2. 優化與信號處理研討會 Workshop on Optimization and Signal Processing 2 工程學院大事掠影 Major Events in the Faculty of Engineering