Annual Report 2007–08

45 研 究 Research 知識轉移 大學積極推展知識轉移,共有百分之 四十八的專利活動轉化為授權,較世界大 部分大學的百分之三十為高。大學又鼓勵 各單位與工業界夥伴建立緊密關係,交流 資訊及知識。部分單位的知識轉移活動 如下: 創業研究中心 創業研究中心於二零零五年成立,旨在啟 發師生及社會人士對創業的認識,並協助 中大把知識由教室和實驗室透過實踐、教 育和研究三個渠道轉移到經濟體系。為推 動創意及創業文化,該中心每年舉辦中大 校長盃學生創業比賽、商業計劃比賽,並 支持學生參加全國挑戰杯、模擬企業策 劃比賽,以及各項本地及海外商業規劃 比賽。 中心於二零零八年一月二十九日至二月三 日舉辦「學生創新與創業作品展覽會」, 展出多項中大學生在國際、全國及本港競 賽中獲獎的創意作品,包括在二零零七年 第十屆「挑戰杯」全國大學生課外學術科 技作品競賽中獲「港澳優勝杯」兩項特等 獎的作品—「微型精密加工中心」及「瑤 學行」,盡顯學生的嶄新意念及創業頭 腦。 創新科技中心 創新科技中心為大學與業界技術轉移的 中轉站,目的為促進技術轉移,協助香港 成為創新科技的區域中心。 除了提供育成創新的環境,推動科技轉 移的其一途徑為參與海外展覽。二零零 八年六月,中大聯同來自三十一個國家 的代表,參加在意大利博洛尼亞舉行的 Research to Business 展覽會,展出大 學的最新科研成果。該展覽由意大利政 府舉辦,是每年一度促進歐洲創新科技發 展和技術轉移的盛事。創新科技中心的職 員,在會上向參觀者示範最新的多媒體及 流動多媒體互聯網的互動科技(下圖)。 創新科技署署長陳育德(左二)在劉遵義 校長(右二)及鄭振耀副校長(右一)的陪同 下參觀學生創新作品 The Commissioner for Innovation and Technology, Mr. Eddy Chan Yuk-tak (2nd left), viewing students’ innovative projects in the company of Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Lawrence J. Lau (2nd right) and Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Jack Cheng (1st right) Knowledge Transfer The University has been actively engaged in knowledge transfer over the years. The percentage of our patent activities that have resulted in licenses is 48%, which compares favourably against the rate of about 30% for most universities in the world. Individual units are encouraged to position themselves closer to the industrial partners for exchange of information and knowledge. Examples of dedicated units involved in this aspect of knowledge transfer are: Center for Entrepreneurship Established in 2005 to inspire understanding of entrepreneurship, the Center for Entrepreneurship stimulates the transfer of knowledge from CUHK’s classrooms and research laboratories to the greater economy in three ways: practice, education and research. To promote a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship among students, it organizes the annual Vice-Chancellor’s Cup of Student Entrepreneurship and Business Plan Competition, and supports students to participate in the national Challenge Cup, the Moot Corp, and local and overseas business plan contests. The centre held the CUHK Student Achievements in Innovation and Entrepreneurship Exhibition from 29 January to 3 February 2008. The exhibition displayed an array of students’ achievements in international, national and local competitions, including two projects — ‘The Millimetre-Scale Turning Centre’ and ‘A School to Learn’ — which were awarded the Special Award in the 10th Challenge Cup National Competition of the Chinese College Student’s Extracurricular Academic and Scientific Achieve- ments 2007. Centre for Innovation and Technology The Centre for Innovation and Technology (CINTEC) serves as a conduit of technology transfer between CUHK and the industry, with the aims of facilitating technology transfer and helping to transform Hong Kong into a regional centre for innovation and technology. Besides providing incubation support to student entrepreneurs, it also organizes participation in overseas exhibitions to promote the University’s technology output. In June 2008, CUHK joined delegates from 31 countries to display its latest technological innovations in the ‘Research to Business’ 2008 exhibition in Bologna organized by the Italian government. At this major annual expo promoting technological innovations and technology transfer in Europe, staff members from CINTEC introduced and demonstrated to visitors the latest interactive multimedia and mobile video streaming technologies (left photo).