Annual Report 2007–08

47 服 務 香 港 放 眼 世 界 Service to Hong Kong and the World 服 梁秉中教授(左一)率領醫療隊到四川 Prof. Leung Ping-chung (1st left) leading a medical team to Sichuan 中大學生舉行燭光晚會,悼念四川 地震死難者 CUHK students hold a candlelight vigil in remembrance of the victims of the Sichuan earthquake. Sichuan Earthquake Relief Works The devastating earthquake measuring eight on the Richter scale in Sichuan province on 12 May 2008 shocked the whole nation. Drawing on their expertise, some CUHK members flew immediately to Sichuan to help the victims. Prof. Leung Kwok-sui, Professor of Ortho- paedics and Traumatology, was among the first batch of medical practitioners from Hong Kong to arrive at Chengdu. He offered his professional advice and operated on the injured. Prof. Chan Ying-yang Emily of the School of Public Health departed for Sichuan with Médecins Sans Frontières to assess the immediate health needs in the affected areas. Prof. Leung Ping-chung, Emeritus Professor of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, led a team of relief workers to Sichuan. They dispensed medical supplies and provided manpower and technical assistance to the hospitals. Different units of the University also offered their technical know-how to help maintain the mental health of the affected people and rebuild the affected areas. The Department of Educational Psychology provided counselling and training to the victims, volunteers and relief workers. It also established a website offering relevant information on psychological reconstruction. The Department of Psychiatry provided training to mental health specialists in Guangdong on disaster mental health and psychological interventions. In addition, Prof. Lau Tak-fai Joseph of the School of Public Health conducted two surveys on post-trauma stress disorder and visited severely affected sites to conduct needs assessments. To provide mid- and long-term support, Prof. Chan Kai- ming Cavor, Professor of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, initiated the ‘Stand TALL’ orthopaedic rehabilitation and social integration project for the earthquake amputee victims in collaboration with mainland hospitals. Back in Hong Kong, Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Vice- Chancellor of the University, appealed to all CUHK members in an open letter to contribute to earthquake relief and over HK$1.35 million had been raised. Colleges, departments, local and overseas alumni associations also took part in the relief efforts by appealing for donation or setting up relief funds for reconstruction work, such as the ‘Public Health Humanitarian Initiative Fund — Sichuan Earthquake’ and the ‘New Asia Fund for School Reconstruction in Sichuan’. Timely and accurate information was also important. The University’s Institute of Space and Earth Information Science took aerial pictures of the devastation using various remote satellites in collaboration with other parties to assess the devastation and facilitate relief and reconstruction work. 支援四川 坐言起行 二零零八年五月十二日,四川發生黎克特 制八級地震,傷亡枕藉,驚撼全國,令人痛 心。中大多名教授立即遠赴蜀地,挾其專識 協助救災。 矯形外科及創傷學講座教授梁國穗教授, 是首批前往成都的香港醫療人員之一,他向 當地醫院提供專業意見,並為傷者施行手 術。公共衞生學院助理教授陳英凝教授隨 「無國界醫生」工作隊前赴四川,協助評估 災區的衞生情況和給予醫療支援。矯形外 科及創傷學榮休講座教授梁秉中教授則率 領義工,啟程到災區的醫院分發醫療物品, 提供人手和技術補給。 大學各學系及單位亦迅速回應,捐款支援 災民,或運用專業協助重建。教育心理學系 為災民及救援人員提供輔導及訓練,又建 立網站,羅列與心理重建有關的資料。精神 科學系則派員到廣東省協助培訓精神衞生 人員,提供有關災難心理危機干預的知識 和技術。公共衞生學院劉德輝教授進行了 兩個有關創傷後受壓的研究,並探訪災區 進行需求評估。 中長期支援方面,矯形外科及創傷學系講 座教授陳啟明教授,發起名為「站起來」骨 科康復計劃,與內地醫院聯手,為四川地震 傷者進行長期的康復治療。 校長劉遵義教授發出公開信,呼籲大學同 人捐款救災,共籌得款項逾一百三十五萬港 元。各書院、學系及海內外多個校友組織亦 積極募捐,或設立重建基金,如「公共衞生 人道計劃基金—四川地震」和「新亞四川學 校重建基金」。 及時、準確獲得災情資訊,對救援和建復工 作起關鍵作用。太空與地球信息科學研究 所與不同機構合作,利用遙感衞星以多角 度拍攝災情,提供資料協助救災和重建工 作。