Annual Report 2007–08

56 In Support of Business and Industry The University made significant progress in particular areas such as high definition (HD) video processing, food security, food composition analysis, and production of plasmid DNA, making vast contributions to local industries. In addition, executive training was offered to the business community. New opportunities in the technology industry arose with the launch of digital terrestrial and HD television broadcasting in Hong Kong in December 2007. To ride on the trend, the Faculty of Engineering collaborated with the Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute to develop a state-of- the-art HD video processing solution platform suitable for deployment in HD set-top boxes or decoders. To further extend CUHK’s leading position in video processing, the first HDTV Subjective Evaluation Laboratory (HSEL) in the Pearl River Delta region was established at CUHK in 2008. Equipped with cutting- edge research facilities that comply with international standards, HSEL provides a unique platform for the industry to test and improve the performance of its HD video processing technology. 支援工商業 中大支援本地工商業不遺餘力,年內於高 清視頻處理技術、食物安全、食品成分分 析、以及製造基因質粒等方面尤有進展, 此外,中大亦致力為商界行政階層提供專 業培訓。 二零零七年十二月,香港推出數碼及高清 電視廣播,給本地科技業帶來機遇。工程 學院因勢利導,與香港應用科技研究院合 作,研發最先進的高清視頻處理技術,以 應用於高清機頂盒或解碼器。 為確立在視頻處理的領導地位,工程學院 於二零零八年成立了珠三角首個高清電視 主觀評價實驗室,配備最先進及符合國際 標準的研究設施,藉此讓業界測試和改良 其高清視頻處理技術的表現。 為發展中大成為一個蓬勃的國際教育重 鎮,給學生國際化的環境,與來自世界各 地的大學生一起學習,促進學術及文化交 流,大學於二零零八年六月底開辦為期五 周的「國際暑期課程」,共五百八十名本地 和境外學生參加,其中四百四十三名是來 自三十一個地方一百三十六所大學的本科 生。他們可從十九個商業、人文和社會科學 學科、十八個普通話和廣東話課程中選讀 自己喜愛的科目。執教的除了中大教員外, 還有如劍橋大學、哈佛大學、紐約大學、賓 夕法尼亞州立大學和南卡羅來納大學等海 外學府的卓越學者。 Aiming at developing CUHK into a thriving international education hub offering students an international learning environment and opportunities for cultural exchange during the summer, a five- week International Summer School programme (ISS) was offered to local and international students. In late June 2008, a total of 580 attended the ISS, including 443 non-CUHK students from 136 universities in 31 regions around the world. They were given a choice of 19 courses in business, humanities and social sciences, and 18 courses in Putonghua and Cantonese. The courses were taught by academics from CUHK and overseas universities, such as Cambridge, Harvard, New York University, Pennsylvania State University, and the University of South Carolina.