Annual Report 2008–09

34 法律學院大事掠影 Major Events in the Faculty of Law • 學院和劍橋大學公法研究中心於二零零八年 十二月十至十二日合辦司法覆核國際學術會 議,題目為「有效司法覆核--良好管治的基 石」,吸引了來自香港、澳洲、加拿大、中國內 地、印度、以色列、新西蘭、南美洲、南非、英 國和美國等地的傑出講者出席。會上發表的 論文,探討問題包括司法覆核的職能、範圍及 合法性;有效司法覆核的條件,以及行政法律 補救方法的本質和範圍。 Jointly hosted by the CUHK Faculty of Law and the Centre for Public Law of the University of Cambridge, the conference titled ‘Effective Judicial Review: A Cornerstone of Good Governance’ was held from 10 to 12 December 2008. It attracted an outstanding array of speakers from jurisdictions across the world, including the HKSAR, Australia, Canada, mainland China, India, Israel, New Zealand, South America, South Africa, the UK and the US. A wide-range of papers addressing major issues relating to judicial review were presented, covering the topics relating to the functions, scope and legitimacy of judicial review; the conditions for effective judicial review, and the nature and range of administrative law remedies. • 學院為慶祝遷進校園西部教學大樓的永久院 址,於二零零九年五月十五日舉行誌慶講座, 邀得資深大律師梁定邦博士論述法律專業面 對的環境轉變。當天約有一百五十人出席,包 括法官、大律師、律師、立法會議員、大學教 職員、學生及校友;他們亦參觀了學院的新設 施,如設備先進的模擬法庭、互動式的課室、 小組討論室等,並深表讚賞。 To celebrate the move of the Faculty to its permanent home in the Teaching Complex at Western Campus, a commemorative lecture titled ‘The Changing Environment for the Legal Profession’ was delivered by Dr. Anthony Neoh, SC, JP on 15 May 2009. Some 150 guests including judges, legal practitioners, legislative council members, university colleagues, current students and alumni attended the event. Guests were particularly impressed by the facilities of the Faculty such as the state-of-the-art Moot Court, interactive classrooms and breakout rooms designated for the training of law students. 司法覆核國際學術會議 Conference on Judicial Review 梁定邦博士(中)主講誌慶講座 Commemorative lecture given by Dr. Anthony Neoh (centre)