Annual Report 2008–09

35 學 術 發 展 Academic Development 醫學院大事掠影 Major Events in the Faculty of Medicine • 藥劑學院於二零零八年十二月五日舉行十五 周年講座暨晚宴,超過四百位嘉賓,計有多位 政府官員、藥劑及醫療界高層管理人員及代 表、社會賢達、捐款人、校友、教職員及學生 等,聚首一堂,氣氛熱鬧。 The School of Pharmacy celebrated its 15th anniversary with a grand lecture cum gala dinner on 5 December 2008. Around 400 guests, including government officials, senior management and representatives from the pharmaceutical and health care industry, social dignitaries, as well as friends, benefactors, alumni, staff and students graced the occasion with their presence. • 醫學院把解剖學系、生物化學系(醫學院)、 藥理學系及生理學系合併為生物醫學學院, 於二零零九年六月一日正式成立,匯聚科研實 力和專才,進一步提升學術和研究的水平,並 將引進更多先進的科研設備,促進基礎和轉 譯醫學研究,探索人類健康和疾病的源起。 The School of Biomedical Sciences was established on 1 June 2009 through the re-organization of research and teaching programmes in the existing pre-clinical Departments of Anatomy, Biochemistry (Medicine), Pharmacology and Physiology. The school will provide state-of-the-art research facilities and laboratories, and foster cutting-edge basic and translational research addressing key problems in human health and diseases. • 中大腦腫瘤中心開幕典禮暨綜合腦腫瘤診所 啓用儀式於二零零九年六月二十六日舉行,為 區內建設首個集合不同專科醫護人員、一站 式為腦腫瘤(特別是惡性腫瘤)病人提供治 療方案的平台。此外,為答謝利國偉博士的慷 慨支持,中大威爾斯親王醫院利國偉心血管 治療中心於六月十日舉行命名儀式,中心預計 於二零一零年年中成立。 The opening ceremony of the CUHK Brain Tumour Centre and the inauguration ceremony of the Combined Neuro-Oncology Clinic were held on 26 June 2009. The centre adopts a combined-team approach in the provision of all-round care and therapy for brain tumour patients, in particular brain cancer patients. In recognition of Dr. Lee Quo Wei’s magnanimous support, the naming ceremony of the CUHK–PWH Lee Quo Wei Cardiovascular Intervention Centre was held on 10 June. The centre will be set up in 2010. 腦腫瘤中心開幕 CUHK Brain Tumour Centre opens 利國偉心血管治療中心命名儀式 Naming ceremony of the CUHK-PWH Lee Quo Wei Cardiovascular Intervention Centre 藥劑學院成立十五周年 The School of Pharmacy turns 15