Annual Report 2008–09

63 學 生 和 校 友 Students and Alumni 二零零八至零九年度頒授學位數目 Number of Degrees Awarded 2008–09 學位 Degree 數目 Number 博士學位 Doctoral degrees 258 碩士學位 Master’s degrees 3,933 學士後文憑 Postgraduate Diplomas 855 學士學位 First Degrees 2,945 文學士 Bachelor of Arts 503 文學士及教育學士 Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education 32 工商管理學士 Bachelor of Business Administration 617 中醫學學士 Bachelor of Chinese Medicine 17 教育學士 Bachelor of Education 22 工程學士 Bachelor of Engineering 332 內外全科醫學士 Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 133 護理學士 Bachelor of Nursing 171 藥劑學士 Bachelor of Pharmacy 27 理學士 Bachelor of Science 596 社會科學學士 Bachelor of Social Science 495 Graduates A total of 7,991 students completed their studies in 2008–09, including 2,945 first-degree students, 855 postgraduate diploma students, and 4,191 master and doctoral students. This brought the total cumulative number of graduates to over 120,000. 畢業生人數 二零零八至零九年度共有七千九百九十一 名學生完成學業,其中二千九百四十五人 為本科生,八百五十五人為研究院學士後 文憑課程學生,四千一百九十一人為研究 院碩士及博士課程學生。中大畢業生人數 累積至今已逾十二萬人。 渴慕中國文化 A Desire for Chinese Culture 方妍梅的母親常到中國做生意,帶回不少讓她嚮 往中國文化的見聞。來自荷蘭的她是中國研究課 程一年級生。「荷蘭的中國研究課程大多是必修 科。在中大,你可以有許多不同的科目選擇。我 來香港是因為在這裏你可靈活遊走於東、西方文 化之間。」 Influenced by her mother who had made business trips to China, Annemarelle Van Schayik (Year 1, Chinese Studies) from the Netherlands has always been interested in Chinese culture. ‘Chinese Studies programmes in the Netherlands consist almost entirely of pre-assigned courses. Here at CUHK, you have a full list of courses to choose from. I chose to come to Hong Kong because here, you can have eastern culture one day and western culture the next, if that’s what you want.’