Annual Report 2008–09

64 Scholarships and Financial Assistance During the period under review, the total amount given out in the form of scholarships and financial assistance to students via the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid, the Office of Academic Links, the four Colleges of the University and other departments and units was HK$105.6 million, compared to HK$86.4 million in 2007–08. A total of 5,082 scholarships and prizes administered by the University and the Colleges, an increase by 49% over the previous year, with an aggregate value of HK$95.2 million were awarded to students with outstanding academic achievements. About 13% carried a value sufficient to cover the annual tuition fee of HK$42,100 or more. Moreover, 424 outstanding undergraduate students were granted admission scholarships, accounting for 13% of the new intake. In addition, 947 students were granted a total of HK$15.4 million to participate in exchange programmes, postgraduate studies, conferences and overseas study tours. Student Activities and Achievements In 2008–09, the student unions of the University and the four Colleges as well as over 100 faculty and departmental societies and student clubs continued to organize a wide range of extra-curricular activities to enrich students’ campus life. In addition, CUHK students had been actively participating in large-scale exchange programmes. These programmes included, among others, the ‘Aerospace Winter/Summer Conference for University Students from Hong Kong’ held in Beijing from 9 to 15 January and 7 to 14 June 2009 respectively, and the ‘Management Leadership Training Programme for the New Century’ attended by 108 university students from the mainland, Taiwan and Macau, as well as 22 students from CUHK between 5 and 14 July 2009. Through talks, symposia and visits, participants learnt about multi- cultural management knowledge and enhanced their leadership skills. 獎學金及經濟資助 二零零八至零九年度經入學及學生資 助處、學術交流處、四所成員書院,以 及其他學系和部門發給學生的獎學金 及經濟資助,總額達一億零五百六十萬 港元,上一年度則是八千六百四十萬港 元。 大學及書院為獎勵學業成績優異的學 生,共頒發獎學金及獎項五千零八十二 項,較上一年度增加百分之四十九,金 額達九千五百二十萬港元,當中約百分 之十三的個別款額達四萬二千一百港 元或以上,足以支付全年學費。此外, 四百二十四名優秀本科生獲頒入學獎 學金,佔整體新生的百分之十三。 此外,九百四十七名學生獲資助到海外 參加交換計劃、會議、交流團,以及修 讀研究院課程,金額共一千五百四十萬 港元。 學生活動及獎譽 二零零八至零九年度,中大學生會、各 成員書院學生會及百多個院會、系會和 屬會舉辦了各式各樣的課外活動,使學 生的校園生活更豐富多姿。此外,中大 學生亦積極參與各項大型交流活動, 重點活動包括分別於二零零九年一月 九至十五日及六月七至十四日在北京舉 行的「香港大學生航天航空科技冬/夏 令營」,以及二零零九年七月五至十四 日舉行的「新紀元行政管理精英培訓計 劃」。後者共有一百零八位內地、台灣及 澳門的大學生,以及二十二名中大學生 參與,他們透過講座、學術研討會、參 觀等活動,學習跨文化的管理知識,加 強領導才能。 中大普通話辯論隊在多場賽事中取得驕人成績 CUHK Putonghua Debate Team repeatedly outshone other contestants 中大划艇隊在獅城盃賽事中獲得八個獎項 CUHK Rowing Team won a total of eight medals at the Lion City Cup