Annual Report 2008–09

67 學 生 和 校 友 Students and Alumni Alumni The number of CUHK graduates, including those of the founding Colleges prior to the establishment of the University in 1963, has increased noticeably. As of 31 July 2009, the number of graduates was close to 125,000, almost doubling the figure of 1999. The University constantly organizes programmes and activities to foster closer links with alumni. The annual CUHK Alumni Homecoming, which invites alumni to witness the latest developments of the University and reunite with their classmates, is an example. It attracted 4,200 to campus in 2008, a 10% increase over the year before. Alumni organizations are channels through which the University maintains close contacts with its graduates. In the year under review, five new alumni associations, namely, the Alumni Association of Department of Statistics, CUHK, CUHK Chinese Language and Literature Alumni Association, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Mainland Alumni Association, Postgraduate Diploma / Master of Science in Sports Medicine and Health Science Alumni Association, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and CUHK New Asia College Alumni Association of Greater New York, were set up, bringing the total number of CUHK alumni organizations to 95. The University proactively communicates with all alumni groups. In the year under review, two meetings with over 28 local groups were held, among other initiatives, to enhance communications between the University and these groups. To strengthen ties with the overseas alumni community, the Alumni Affairs Office joined delegations led by the senior management of the University to visit 24 alumni associations in cities in America, Australia, Canada, mainland China, New Zealand and Singapore in 2008–09. Meanwhile, the University also played host to more than 30 representatives from alumni organizations in Calgary, Hawaii, London, Los Angeles, New York, Osaka, San Francisco, Sydney, Toronto, Tokyo, Vancouver and more. 2008–09 has been a prolific year for the University’s alumni associations. The publication of Under the Rockies – Life Stories of CUHK Alumni in Calgary by the CUHK Alumni Association of Calgary and Along the Shores of Lake Ontario – CUHK Alumni in Toronto by the CUHK Alumni Association (Ontario) in the CUHK Alumni Book Series were examples of the University’s attempt to unite alumni via various alumni groups around the globe. The contribution of CUHK alumni to various fields has been well acknowledged. For example, Mr. Chan Tak-lam Norman was appointed Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. The Most Reverend Tong Hon John was installed as the seventh Bishop of the Hong Kong Catholic Diocese. Mr. Chan Lik-yuen, Mr. Hung Wai-man Witman and Mr. Lai Yuk-yau Timothy were awardees of the Ten Outstanding Young Persons Selection 2008. In recognition of their contributions to the com- munity, Mr. Lee Kui-nang Solomon was conferred an honorary doctorate by the Open University of Hong Kong while Mr. Cheung Man-kwong was awarded an Honorary Fellowship by CUHK. 校友 中大校友社群迅速擴展,截至二零零九年 七月三十一日,中大畢業生人次,連同大學 創立之前的原成員書院畢業生在內,數目接 近十二萬五千,為一九九九年的兩倍。大學 不時舉辦活動,加強與校友的凝聚,每年一 度的「中大校友日」即為一例。這項大型活 動邀請所有校友重返母校,了解大學最新發 展,並與昔日同窗重聚。二零零八年十二月 舉行的「中大校友日」,吸引四千二百多人參 加,較前一年的人數增加一成。 中大海內外校友組織均與大學保持緊密聯 繫。年內新成立的校友會包括中大統計學 系校友會、中大中文系校友會、中大內地 生校友會、中大運動醫學及健康科學舊生 會及中大新亞書院大紐約校友會,中大校 友組織至此增至九十五個。 大學主動透過不同渠道與各地校友組織溝 通,年內安排了兩次晚餐會議,與二十八個 本地校友會交流最新動向。 校友事務處是年度五次前往海外及內地, 探訪美國、澳洲、加拿大、中國內地、新西 蘭及新加坡共二十四個校友會,並接待從 世界各地包括加拿大卡爾加里(卡城)、夏 威夷、倫敦、洛杉磯、紐約、大阪、三藩市、 悉尼、多倫多、東京、溫哥華等地來訪的逾 三十位校友組織代表。 二零零八至零九年,大學校友會出版活動 旺盛。在大學推動下,中大卡城校友會及中 大安省校友會先後出版了《洛磯山下── 卡城「中大人」》及《安大略湖畔──中大 人在多倫多》,以團結及促進全球中大校 友交流為目標的《中大人文集系列》,陣容 因此更為鼎盛。 中大校友在社會不同領域的成就廣獲認同, 例如陳德霖先生獲委任為香港金融管理局 總裁、湯漢主教履任天主教香港教區第七任 主教,而陳力元先生、洪為民先生及賴旭佑 先生則獲選二零零八年度十大傑出青年。 年內,李鉅能先生獲香港公開大學頒授榮 譽工商管理博士學位;此外,張文光先生亦 獲香港中文大學頒授榮譽院士。 中大校友日  CUHK Alumni Homecoming