Annual Report 2008–09

66 由於預期二零零九年畢業生的就業情況 會受金融海嘯影響,中大特別推出多項相 應措施,提升他們的競爭力,例如加強向 畢業生發放有關就業市場的最新資訊,舉 辦各類特設的就業輔導活動,以及積極支 持各個為畢業生專設的實習培訓計劃等。 Foreseeing that the job market for 2009 graduates would be severely affected by the economic downturn, a number of special initiatives were undertaken to better equip the graduates for opportunities ahead, e.g., enhancement of career-related information dissemination, organization of tailored-made career guidance activities and active participation in various internship programmes tailored-made for graduates. 二零零八年學士學位畢業生就業情況 Major Career Fields of 2008 First Degree Holders * * 截至二零零九年三月三十一日,不包括醫科畢業生 Figures as at 31 March 2009 and excluding medical graduates 會計 / 審計 Accounting/Auditing 銀行 / 財務 Banking/Finance 教學 Teaching 電算機工程 / 資訊科技 Computer Engineering/Information Technology 行政 / 管理 Administration/Management 銷售 / 市場推廣 Sales/Marketing 行業 Career Fields 醫療及護理 Medical & Health Care 0 2 4 6 8 10 11.5% 9.7% 9.6% 9.3% 9.3% 7.4% 6.2% 12 百分比 (%) Percentage 商科生揚威國際 Business Students Shine in Global Challenge 四位環球商業學生——(左起)岑紀汶、馮思哲、陳彥豐及黎俊生,於 英國特許管理會計師公會舉辦的商業精英國挑戰賽中擊敗七支來自 英國、愛爾蘭、斯里蘭卡、印度、中國、馬來西亞及新加坡的對手,奪 得世界冠軍殊榮。 參賽隊伍須扮演董事局顧問,為虛構的渡假酒店集團提出有效的策略 和執行方案,以解決集團面對的問題,並向國際專業評審團陳述報告。 中大隊伍周密地分析個案,提出多項可行的專業建議,包括重組集團 的投資組合、引進新的市場策略及營銷渠道,以及加強以服務為本的 人力資源培訓,以提升集團的競爭力,最終獲評判激賞,認為他們能準 確及有系統地剖析集團問題,並提出具邏輯兼合理的解決方案。 中大隊伍說:「我們應用了課程所學的知識,例如以市場為本導向,先了 解顧客需要,再提供吻合公司價值的方案,而非只硬銷自己的一套。」 Four Global Business Studies (GBS) students, (from left) Katie Sham, Janie Fung, Steven Chan and Thomas Lai, defeated seven regional champions from India, Ireland, mainland China, Malaysia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, and the UK to win the Global Final of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants Global Business Challenge. The participating teams were asked to serve as consultants for the Board of Directors of an imaginary holiday resort and to offer solutions to the problems observed at both the strategic and operational levels. They were also required to present their business case in front of an international judging panel of prestigious experts. The team impressed the panel by putting forward feasible and professional proposals to restructure the company’s business portfolio, introducing new marketing package and channels, as well as strengthening the company’s service-oriented human resources training. The judging panel commended that they defined and organized the problems accurately and answered them logically and sensibly. ‘The knowledge we acquired throughout the year in GBS helped us significantly. We learnt to be market- oriented, which means understanding target customers and providing them with what they value, instead of hard-selling something the company would like to offer,’ the team said.