Annual Report 2008–09

75 校 園 發 展 與 環 境 保 護 Campus Development and Environmental Protection Campus Master Planning (CMP) The CMP had taken a remarkable step in the year under review. After the completion of Stage 1 engagement activities, Stage 2 stakeholders’ engagement was conducted from late September to late October 2008, focusing on the conceptual plan and consultation. A series of engagement meetings, workshops and a forum were arranged, alongside a continuous online view collection exercise to gather stakeholders’ views on the conceptual plan. Three seminars were organized in Stage 3 engagement activities, focusing on the master planning vision and the corresponding proposal by the consultant team. These were followed by a discussion session. Two campus guided tours were arranged in mid-March 2009 and an exhibition of the Specific Proposals with model display was held from February to May 2009. A CMP Synoptic Report was prepared in Stage 4 based on the findings, feedback and views collected previously. Six precepts were established: • planning and design of places for education and research activities • enhancing college life • promoting a pedestrian-friendly campus • conserving places of value • creating a landscape of vital importance and • making a sustainable campus In April 2009, the Report was adopted by the University Council as a sustainable and visionary blueprint for the long-term development of the campus up to year 2021 and beyond, and was introduced to overseas alumni via a series of meetings held in various cities in Australia, Europe, New Zealand, and North America. 校園發展計劃 校園發展計劃是年度成績令人鼓舞。在完 成首階段持份者交流活動後,以「校園發 展規劃概念及諮詢」為題的第二階段交流 活動隨即於二零零八年九月下旬至十月下 旬舉行,內容包括一系列的交流會、工作 坊、座談會,加上常設的網上意見收集渠 道,集合了各方對規劃概念的意見。 第三階段的活動集中於具體方案的諮詢, 於二零零九年年初,顧問團在三次簡介會 中介紹了校園規劃展望及相應的計劃書, 並和與會者討論。其後於三月中旬舉行了 兩場校園導遊團,及於二月至五月期間, 於校內展出具體建議的展板及模型。 第四階段為「提交校園發展計劃報告」, 依據之前收集所得的意見而編製的《校園 發展計劃報告書概要》,歸納出以六項規 劃原則為基礎的建議,包括: • 規劃教學研究設施 • 提升書院生活 • 倡導健步文化 • 保存具價值的地標 • 優化校園景色;以及 • 建構可持續校園 二零零九年四月,大學校董會通過接納 《報告書概要》,標誌着大學將以此長圖 遠慮及可持續的發展計劃為規劃藍圖,為 二零二一年及其後的長期發展定下指引。 此外,《報告書概要》亦透過於澳洲、歐 洲、新西蘭、北美洲及各大城市舉行的會 議,介紹予海外校友認識。