Annual Report 2008–09

76 Land Application and Capital Projects The government approved the grant of a 2.94-hectare plot at Area 39. The four capital projects in connection with the 3+3+4 curriculum were advancing full-steam ahead. Upon the approval of the Public Works Subcommittee of the Legislative Council (PWSC), construction works of the Centralized General Research Lab Complex (Block 1) at Area 39, works on the University Library Extension and the Student Amenity Centre commenced as scheduled; while the remaining Integrated Teaching Building was scheduled for PWSC’s approval by the end of 2009. After obtaining the Occupation Permit of the Teaching Complex at Western Campus in December 2008, all the communal teaching facilities were operational. The Law Faculty and other users moved in. The soft opening of the teaching hotel, Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, Sha Tin, was launched in February 2009; and the Teaching Building next door obtained its Occupation Permit at the end of the year. Meantime, the Shenzhen Research Institute Building held its ground-breaking ceremony in March 2009. Promoting a Walking Culture CUHK held its Walking Campaign (Phase III) on 9 January 2009 to help promote a walking culture on campus. Over 700 staff and students set off from the entrance of the University Station, passing through the Alumni Trail, the Herbal Garden, and the new Teaching Complex at Western Campus, to arrive at their destination—Tsang Shiu Tim Building of United College. The 28-minute walk incorporated illustrations of plants along the route to arouse environmental awareness among participants. 用地申請及基本建設工程 三十九區地段擴展用地申請已獲政府正 式批地二點九四公頃,四項與三三四學制 相關的基本建設項目正在加緊進行。位於 三十九區地段的綜合科研實驗室大樓(第 一座)、大學圖書館擴建大樓及學生活動 中心在獲得立法會工務小組委員會批款 後,建築工程隨即展開。而新教學大樓則 預期將於二零零九年底獲得該小組委員會 批款。 校園西部綜合教學大樓已於二零零八年底 取得入伙紙,共用的教學設施相繼投入運 作,法律學院及其他用戶已陸續遷入。大 學的酒店項目香港凱悅酒店—沙田,已於 二零零九年二月試業;毗鄰的教學大樓預 期於年底取得入伙紙。香港中文大學深圳 研究院大樓亦於二零零九年三月舉行動土 典禮。 鼓勵步行文化 大學於二零零九年一月九日 舉行第三次樂步行活動,除 宣揚步行有益身心的訊息, 更推廣全新的大學站至聯合 書院新路線,共有逾七百師生 及職員參加。參加者由大學站 出發,沿校友徑及中藥園,經 新落成的西部綜合教學大樓直 達聯合書院曾肇添樓,全程約 二十八分鐘,是經聯合梯以外, 另一條快捷路徑。該次樂步行 更增加了環保元素,沿途有解說 員講解校園的樹木,加強參加者 認識身體力行響應環保的重要。 大學圖書館擴建部分模擬圖 Simulation of University Library Extension