Annual Report 2008–09

77 校 園 發 展 與 環 境 保 護 Campus Development and Environmental Protection Campus Ecology About 60% of the CUHK campus is greenery comprising natural slopes, landscaped areas and roof gardens, which is home to about 189 tree species, including pine, willow, orchid and bauhinia, as well as a wide range of wildlife. To maximize greenery, a total of 73 trees, 6,832 shrubs, 3,803 floral plants, 2,539 ground cover and 13,265m 2 of grass were planted on campus in 2008. To protect and conserve trees on campus, CUHK began conducting a tree survey two years ago. Trees with a diameter of at least 500 mm were measured and assessed. The data, together with their visual images and location maps, were input into a sophisticated computerized database system, the ArborTrack. The trees’ physical measurements are updated every three years and their conditions are assessed every one to two years. Tags in Chinese and Latin have been attached to the trees. There are 475 trees in the database, including rare and precious species and trees of historical value to the University. 校園生態 中大校園約六成是綠化地帶,包括天 然斜坡、園景美化區和天台花園,共 有約一百八十九個樹種,包括松樹、柳 樹、蘭花和洋紫荊,也有多種野生生 物。為擴大綠化地帶,二零零八年校園 共種植了七十三棵樹、六千八百三十二 棵灌木、三千百八零三株花卉植物、 二千五百三十九處地被植物和一萬 三千二百六十五平方米青草。 為保護校園內的樹木,中大約於兩年前 開始進行校園樹木調查,量度和評估直 徑為五百毫米或以上的樹木。樹木的數 據、影像和位置圖,均輸入精密的電腦數 據庫ArborTrack內。樹木尺寸資料每三 年更新一次,樹木狀況每一至兩年評估一 次,又在樹身繫上標籤,以中文和拉丁文 標示樹木名稱。數據庫含四百七十五棵 樹的資料,包括珍稀品種和有歷史價值 的樹木。 Photo by John Tse Photo by Chen g Shi u B un Photo by John Tse 大學委託生態學家詹肇泰博士,對中大 全境的陸生生物種類和分布狀況,進行 長期的系統調查。第一階段監察計劃於 二零零八年十月展開,每月調查一次,至 二零零九年九月止。 詹博士指出,現時香港以雀鳥、蜻蜓和 蝴蝶三類生物的資料較齊全,因此這 項調查也以這三類生物為指標,透過目 尋耳聽,記錄牠們在校園不同地點的數 目、分布和多樣性、繁殖、日夜棲息和獵 食的重要地點,藉以找出校園內具重要 生態價值的地點,以確保這些生物棲居 地得到妥善保護或改善。顧問公司將在 調查結束,取得基線研究數據後,向大 學提出保育建議。 The University has commissioned Dr. Tsim Siu-tai, an ecologist, to conduct a longitudinal and systematic survey on species and distribution of the terrestrial wildlife ecology on campus. The Phase 1 Monitoring Programme, conducted on a monthly basis, took place monthly from October 2008 to September 2009. Dr. Tsim pointed out that the data on butterflies, dragonflies and birds in Hong Kong are sufficient and they can serve as good indicators of the ecological values of the CUHK campus. The population numbers, distribution, species diversity, important sites breeding, day and night roosting, and foraging of these three fauna groups on campus will be recorded by observing and listening to animal calls. The survey is aimed at identifying the areas on campus with significant ecological values, ensuring the continuous inhabitation of the existing terrestrial wildlife population in CUHK, and preserving their habitats in a sustainable manner. The consultant will make suggestions to the University after they have finished the survey and obtained the necessary baseline data. 校園生態普查 A Census on Campus Wildlife