Annual Report 2008–09

82 Total expenditure for the year increased by 3% to HK$5,073 million from HK$4,945 million in 2008 with Learning and Research continuing to be the largest area of the University’s investment. The increase was in line with the implementation of plans for the four-year undergraduate curriculum. Expenditure on Library, Central Computing Facilities and Other Academic Services recorded an increase of 19% to HK$413 million, mainly due to investment in a new integrated and student-oriented IT system. Institutional Support has been maintained at a steady level of HK$1,034 million. The University’s investment portfolios suffered because of the financial crisis. As funds were switched to low-risk investment portfolios, Cash and Short-term Deposits increased by HK$834 million lifting the level to HK$4,133 million and the total value of investments dropped by 24% to HK$4,714 million at the end of the financial year. The deficit of HK$181 million from recurrent activities was covered by the General and Development Reserve Fund, the balance of which reduced to HK$1,128 million as of 30 June 2009. The University’s financial position remained sound with total net assets valuing at HK$8,978 million at the end of the financial year 2009. The University raised donations of HK$279 million despite adverse economic conditions. The University is very grateful to alumni, friends and organizations for rendering generous financial support to its academic development, research activities, scholarships and capital development programmes. Fixed assets of HK$426 million were acquired in the financial year 2009, of which HK$256 million was spent on premises-related development projects and HK$170 million was deployed in upgrading teaching and research facilities. The implementation of various capital projects in preparation for the four-year curriculum was in full swing and the establishment of five new Colleges is an important milestone in the University’s development. The University has embarked on mapping out a visionary and sustainable Campus Master Plan as a long-term development roadmap for the University campus for the years leading up to 2021 and beyond. In the second half of 2009, the economic outlook was more encouraging as the Hong Kong economy regained its momentum. Nevertheless, the global economy is still subject to uncertainties. The University will continue to manage its finance prudently and improve its operational efficiency further to maintain a healthy financial position. 中央電腦設施及其他教學服務的支 出,則上升了百分之十九至本年度的 四億一千三百萬元,支出增加的主要原 因,是投資在一個新的學生綜合資訊系 統上。大學輔助服務的開支,則維持在 十億三千四百萬元的水平。 大學的投資組合受到金融風暴衝擊, 部分資金已轉投在一些低風險的投 資組合上,因此現金及銀行短期存款 增加八億三千四百萬元至本年度末的 四十一億三千三百萬元,而投資總值則 下降百分之二十四至四十七億一千四百 萬元。政府資助的經常活動,於本年度 末錄得一億八千一百萬元虧損,由一般 及發展儲備金的結餘支付,使儲備金的 結餘在本年低減少至十一億二千八百萬 元。大學的財政狀況保持穩健,二零零 九年六月三十一日計的總資產淨值為 八十九億七千八百萬元。 在低迷的經濟環境下,大學在本年度仍 能籌得二億七千九百萬元捐款。對於校 友、友好人士及機構對大學的學術、科 研、獎學金計劃及基建項目的支持,大 學衷心感謝。 大學在本年度投放於固定資產的資金共 四億二千六百萬元,其中二億五千六百 萬元用於建築工程上,此外以約 一億七千萬元來更新教學及研究的設 施。各項基建項目因要應付新學制而須 全速進行,而新書院的成立,更是大學 發展的重要里程碑。大學也開始為邁向 二零二一年及其後的校園發展,勾劃出 一個可持績發展的長期路線圖。 從二零零九年的下半年起,經濟展望較 前樂觀,經濟活動也重拾動力。雖然, 來年全球經濟復蘇仍存在不明朗的因 素,但是大學定會繼續以審慎理財的態 度,不斷提升營運效率來維持穩健的財 政狀況。