Annual Report 2008–09

81 捐 贈 、 財 務 與 賬 目 Donations, Finance and Accounts Finance and Accounts The world economy has been hit hard by the financial tsunami in 2008 and 2009, and Hong Kong was no exception. Nevertheless, the University was able to maintain a relatively healthy financial position in the financial year 2009. While the recurrent funding from the Government remained stable, the University’s non-government sources of income were affected by the adverse investment climate. Taking into account all activities of the University, including those supported by non-government funds, there was an overall deficit of HK$660 million. For recurrent activities funded by the Government, a deficit of HK$181 million was incurred due to reduction in interest income, the increased financial support for scholarship advancement and expenditure entailed in preparation for the four- year normative curriculum. This deficit would be supported by the healthy reserve accumulated by the University over the years. The deterioration of the overall investment climate was the major cause for the deficit of HK$410 million in non-government funds. The substantial diminution in the University’s net investment income alone contributed to 71% of the total deficit. The University’s total income for the financial year 2009 decreased by 22% to HK$4,413 million from HK$5,628 million in 2008. This was mainly due to realized and unrealized losses arising from investment in other securities amounting to HK$680 million. Government Subventions, including Block Grants, Earmarked Grants, Capital Grants and grants from other Government agencies, dropped slightly to HK$2,916 million, mainly due to the discontinuation of the Matching Grant Scheme in 2009. Likewise, donations received by the University also dropped significantly to HK$279 million, 60% less than those in the previous year. The economic strain of the global financial turmoil brought about a net overall investment loss of HK$471 million for the financial year 2009, representing a loss of 5% of the total investment funds. Compared with the significant drop in the world’s equity markets, e.g., the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell by 27% during the same period, the investment loss suffered by the University can be considered acceptable. 財務與賬目 在二零零八及二零零九年間發生的金融 海嘯,對全球經濟體系帶來巨大衝擊, 香港也不能倖免。然而,大學亦能在本 財政年度保持相對較穩健的財政狀況。 雖然政府的資助保持平穩,但是大學其 他非政府資助項目之收入則大受低沉的 投資氣候所影響。 在是年度的整體運作上,包括政府及非 政府資金支援的項目,共錄得六億六千 萬元的虧損。利息收入的下降、教學及 行政部門繼續為應付新學制添置裝備的 支出及促進學術成就工作的財務資助, 使政府資助的經常性項目在該年度錄得 一億八千一百萬元虧損。此項虧損將由 過往所積存的儲備金支付。在二零零九 年間,由於整體投資氣候變壞,大學的 非政府資助基金錄得四億一千萬元虧 損,僅是投資減值帶來的巨額損失已佔 整體虧損的百分之七十一。 大學的總收入由上年度的五十六億二千 八百萬元下降百分之二十二至本年度的 四十四億一千三百萬元,主因是投資 虧損,當中證券投資的已變現及未變 現虧損達六億八千萬元。政府撥款包 括整筆撥款、特定撥款、基建撥款及來 自其他政府機構的資助,輕微下降至 二十九億一千六百萬元,主要為是年度 政府沒有推出新一輪的配對補助金計 劃。影響所及,捐贈及捐款也大幅減少 至本年度的二億七千九百萬元,較去年 少百分之六十。 全球的金融動盪引致的經濟放緩,對 大學的各項投資影響巨大,使是年度 的利息收入及淨投資收益錄得虧損 四億七千一百萬元,為總投資額百分之 五,與各國的股票市場同期的巨大跌幅 相比,例如道瓊斯工業指數下跌百分之 二十七,大學的投資虧損幅度,尚可接 受。 總支出由上年度的四十九億四千五百 萬元,增長了百分之三至本年度的 五十億七千三百萬元。所增經費主要 投放於學術及研究項目上。於圖書館、