Annual Report 2008–09

5 引 言 Introduction structure and enhancing efficiency. For the first time, a total of four Council members will be elected by and from among CUHK’s teaching and non-teaching staff and its undergraduate and postgraduate students. I would like to put on record my gratitude to members of the Committee and the Task Force for their hard work, and to all stakeholder groups for contributing their ideas in this effort to streamline and invigorate the University’s governance structure. I am pleased to report that after a global search, Prof. Benjamin W. Wah has been selected for appointment as the University’s first Provost. A prominent computer scientist and recipient of many international honours and awards, Professor Wah was once President of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Computer Society and Chairman of the Engineering Panel of the Research Grants Council of the University Grants Committee (UGC). He will bring with him his substantial experience in higher education administration when he joins the University in December 2009. During the same year, Prof. Henry N.C. Wong was appointed Pro-Vice- Chancellor to oversee research- related matters. New Deans were appointed for the Faculties of Arts, Business Administration, Education, Law, Medicine, Science and Social Science. When the new Dean of Engineering reports for duty in February 2010, all eight Faculties of CUHK would be led by their first appointed Deans. The appointments of full-time Deans will establish clear powers and responsibilities for the Deans to conduct Faculty matters and take forward Faculty initiatives, in line with the recommendations of UGC’s ‘ Report on Higher Education in Hong Kong ’ (March 2003). 華雲生教授 Prof. Benjamin W. Wah 黃乃正教授 Prof. Henry N.C. Wong 我們經全球招聘後,委任華雲生教授為首 任常務副校長。華教授是世界知名的計算 機科學家,屢獲國際殊榮,曾任電機及電 子工程師學會計算機學會會長,並曾擔任 大學教育資助委員會(教資會)轄下研究 資助局工程學學科小組主席,高等教育行 政經驗豐富。華教授將在二零零九年十二 月到任。 另外,黃乃正教授於二零零九年二月獲委 任為副校長,專責研究發展事宜。年內, 文學院、工商管理學院、教育學院、法律 學院、醫學院、理學院、社會科學院新聘 全職院長。俟工程學院院長於二零一零年 二月履新,所有八所學院均將由首任全職 院長領導。委任全職學院院長,旨在釐清 權責,俾院長便於掌管學院事務,展布新 猷,亦符合二零零三年三月教資會《香港 高等教育報告書》的建議。