Annual Report 2009–10

4 of the top 1,000 Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS) entrants in all of Hong Kong chose to enrol at our University. In 2009–10, 339 non-local undergraduates were recruited from 25 provinces and municipalities in mainland China and from Belgium, Belize, Canada, France, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Macau, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, the UK and the US. Their presence enlivened our campus and served as living testament of our philosophy of ‘education without borders’. Academic Developments During the year under review, the University introduced four new undergraduate major programmes, one undergraduate minor programnme and seven postgraduate programmes. New undergraduate majors included education in liberal studies, cell and molecular biology, public health, and an interdisciplinary one in quantitative finance and risk management science. New postgraduate programmes ranged from nursing, fine arts, to global political economy. These innovative programmes demonstrated the responsiveness of the University to the expansion of knowledge frontiers and our readiness to address emerging human capital needs of our society. The Quality Assurance Council (QAC) of the University Grants Committee (UGC) released its Audit Report of the University in September 2008 with 11 commendations. Pursuant to QAC’s audit report, the University submitted a Progress Report in March 2010, setting out our responses to the recommendations made by QAC and reaffirmed that we were making good progress in the direction set out in our action plan. 來西亞、荷蘭、波蘭、葡萄牙、新加坡、南 韓、台灣、英國和美國等地。這些來自五湖 四海的學生令我們的校園更形活潑,也是 本校「教育無疆界」辦學宗旨的明證。 學術發展 是年度,本校增設了四個本科主修課程、 一個本科副修課程及七個研究院課程。 新的本科主修課程是教育學士(通識教 育)、細胞及分子生物學理學士、公共衞 生理學士和計量金融學及風險管理科學 跨學科主修,而新的研究院課程則涵蓋護 理、藝術、全球政治經濟等學科。大學開 辦這些嶄新課程,一方面是看到知識疆域 日益拓闊,校內課程須與時並進;另一方 面是針對社會的需要培訓人才。 大學教育資助委員會的質素保證局(質保 局)於二零零八年九月發表本校的《質素 核證報告》,列出十一點讚揚。大學在 二零一零年三月就該報告呈交進度報告, 回應質保局的建議,確保大學朝着行動方 案的方向穩健前進。 為海外生而設的迎新活動 Orientation for the overseas freshmen