Annual Report 2009–10

5 引 言 Introduction In my 2008–09 report, I mentioned the University’s new undergraduate curriculum in 2012, which lays emphasis on general education, languages, information technology, physical education and a Faculty package in addition to the requirements of the major discipline. It is expected that students will develop both breadth and depth in their knowledge and skills and their education experience will be enriched by the experiential learning programmes offered in abundance. Detailed curricula of individual programmes are being worked out and will be announced in due course after deliberation and approval. The minimum requirements for admission under the new curriculum have also been formulated and will be publicized in time. University Leadership After serving for six years as Chairman of the University Council, Dr. Edgar W.K. Cheng retired in October 2009 but remained Senior Adviser to the Council. Dr. Cheng’s period as Council Chairman coincided with a time of rapid expansion of the University while significant changes took place both inside the University and in the higher education sector at large. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with Dr. Edgar Cheng and would like to record a special note of thanks to him for the many seminal contributions he made. He was succeeded by Dr. Vincent H.C. Cheng, an eminent figure in financial circles and the first CUHK alumnus to head the University Council. I also enjoyed working with Dr. Vincent Cheng and have great confidence that he will lead the University to unprecedented heights. Professor Joseph J.Y. Sung, a long-time faculty member at the University, was appointed by the University Council to be the seventh Vice-Chancellor of the Chinese University. He has my most sincere congratulations and best wishes for leading the University into its sixth decade. At the end of 2009, 沈祖堯教授(右)接替劉遵義教授(左)出任香港中文大學校長 Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung (right) succeeds Prof. Lawrence J. Lau as CUHK Vice-Chancellor 在二零零八至零九年的《年報》中,我提 及二零一二年大學新學制的本科課程,除 了主修學科外,還着重通識教育、語文、資 訊科技、體育和學院課程,俾使學生無論 知識和技能發展,都能做到既深且廣。新 課程還提供多種體驗式學習計劃,令學生 的學習經驗更豐富多采。我們正詳細制訂 各課程的內容,一待討論和通過,即會對 外公布。新學制實行後的最低收生標準亦 已制訂,將於稍後公布。 大學領導層 出任大學校董會主席六年之久的鄭維健 博士,於二零零九年十月榮休,但仍擔任 校董會資深顧問。在鄭博士任內,中大發 展迅速,亦適逢大學內部和香港高等教育 界皆經歷重大變化。能與鄭維健博士共 事,我深感榮幸,謹此對他的寶貴貢獻致 以謝忱。接替他的是財經界翹楚鄭海泉博 士,這是首次由中大校友出掌校董會。我 與鄭海泉博士的合作也非常愉快,相信他 必定會帶領大學攀上新峰。 在本校任教多年的沈祖堯教授,獲校董會 委任為中文大學第七任校長。我誠摯祝賀 沈教授,並祝願大學在他領導下昂然邁入 第六個十年。在二零零九年年底,世界知 名的計算機科學家華雲生教授出任本校 首位常務副校長,他上任後馬上為大學的 學務和發展籌謀大計。有「歐羅之父」美 譽的諾貝爾經濟學獎得主蒙代爾教授, 在二零零九年九月加盟本校,擔任博文講 座教授。 陳志輝教授和信廣來教授,分別接替沈祖 堯教授和黃乃正教授出任逸夫書院和新 亞書院院長,本校上下咸慶得人,謹此向 兩位新院長申致誠摯賀忱,並衷心感謝沈 教授和黃教授服務兩所書院付出的心力。