Annual Report 2009–10

Calendar of Events 大事回顧 4 10.12.2009 中大在第六十七屆頒授學位典禮大會裏,頒授榮譽博 士學位予宋健博士、唐英年博士和錢永健教授。 CUHK conferred honorary doctorates on Dr. Song Jian, Dr. the Honourable Tang Ying-yen Henry and Prof. Roger Y. Tsien at its 67th Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees. 5 25.1.2010 和聲書院舉行奠基典禮,預計於二零一一至一二學年 錄取首批學生。 Lee Woo Sing College, which will admit its first cohort of students in the 2011-12 academic year, held its Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony. 6 6.2.2010 中大與深圳市人民政府簽訂教育合作備忘錄,為 實現中大在深圳設立學院的構想跨下大步。 CUHK signed a memorandum ofunderstandingw of a CUHK campus in Shenzhen. 7 14.3.2010 近三千人參加「與高錕教授同行」中大步行籌款日, 以支持高錕獎學基金及認知障礙者家屬培訓課程。 The 'Walk with Professor Kao' CUHK Walkathon attracted close to 3,000 walkers to raise funds for the Charles K. Kao Scholarship Endowment Fund and a training programme for 8 17.5.2010 中大舉行第九屆榮譽院士頒授典禮,頒授院士銜予 李沛良教授、梁英偉先生、麥松威教授、辛世文教授、譚華正博士及吳為山教授。 The University conferred honorary fellowships on Prof. Lee Pui-leung Rance, Mr. Leung Ying-wai Charles, Prof. Mak Chung-wai Thomas, Prof. Sun Sai-ming Samuel, Dr. Tam Wah-ching and Prof. Wu Weishan, at its Ninth Honorary FellowshipConf