Annual Report 2009–10

9 10 27 - 28 . 5 . 2010 善衡書院兩座學生宿舍何添堂及利國偉堂舉行命名禮。 CUHK held naming ceremonies for two student hostels at S.H. Ho College—Ho Tim Hall and Lee Quo Wei Hall. 11 9.6.2010 伍宜孫書院舉行奠基典禮,預期於二零一二至一三 學年錄取首批學生。 The foundation stone was laid for Wu Yee Sun College, which will admit its first cohort of students in the 2012-13 academic year. 12 30.6.2010 校長劉遵義教授任期屆滿,校董會主席鄭海泉博士為他 舉行惜別會。 Dr. Vincent H.C. Cheng, the Council Chairman, hosted a gathering to bid farewell to Prof. Lawrence J. Lau on his last day in office as the Vice-Chancel lor. 13 1.7.2010 沈袓堯教授出任中大第七任校長 Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung assumed office as the seventh Vice-Chancellor of CUHK.