Annual Report 2009–10

63 學 生 和 校 友 Students and Alumni 學生 新生入學 二零零九至一零年度,四千六百五十四 名新生入讀本校由大學教育資助委員會 (教資會)資助的課程,計本科生三千 三百二十二名,研究生一千三百三十二 名。此外,四千七百七十四名學生入讀 延伸及自負盈虧的本科及研究課程。 是年收生再創佳績,錄取了近四成、即 一百一十九名在香港高級程度會考中考 獲三優或以上成績的學生。參加大學聯 合招生辦法(聯招)成績最佳的一千名 學生中,約半數入讀中大。聯招數字顯 示,中大是錄取最多派獲第一志願及第 一組別志願學生的院校。 Students Student Admission A total of 4,654 new students were admitted during the year 2009–10, including 3,322 undergraduate and 1,332 postgraduate students in University Grants Committee (UGC)-funded programmes. In addition, 4,774 students were admitted by extension and self- financed undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. In 2009–10, CUHK admitted 119 students (40%) who have received three A’s or above in the Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination. Of the top 1,000 Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS) entrants in all of Hong Kong, about half were admitted to CUHK. JUPAS statistics also show that CUHK admitted the largest share of both first choice and Band A JUPAS applicants among all local tertiary institutions. 二零零九至一零年度新生入學人數 * Student Admission 2009–10 * 全日制 Full-time 兼讀制 Part-time 本地生 Local 非本地生 Non-local 總人數 Total 教資會資助課程 UGC-funded Programmes 本科生 Undergraduates** 3,322 – 2,983 339 3,322 研究生 Postgraduates 963 369 902 430 1,332 延伸課程及自負盈虧課程 Extension Programmes and Self-financed Programmes 本科生 Undergraduates 20 55 55 20 75 研究生 Postgraduates 1,476 3,223 3,497 1,202 4,699 * 以二零零九年九月三十日計算 Figures as at 30 September 2009 ** 包括循中六生優先錄取計劃入學的本科生 Including students admitted through the Early Admissions Scheme for Secondary Six Students 學生和校友 Students and Alumni