Annual Report 2009–10

67 學 生 和 校 友 Students and Alumni Student Activities and Achievements In 2009–10, the student unions of the University and the four Colleges as well as over 100 faculty and departmental societies and student clubs continued to organize a wide range of extra-curricular activities to enrich students’ campus life. In addition, CUHK students had been actively participating in large-scale exchange programmes. These programmes included the ‘Universities Experiential Tour for Expo 2010 Shanghai’ held in Shanghai from 4 to 8 July 2010, and the ‘Management Leadership Training Programme for the New Century’. Held in Beijing and Hong Kong from 18 to 28 July 2010, the latter was attended by 145 university students from mainland China, Taiwan, Macau and Hong Kong, including 32 CUHK students. Participants learnt about multi-cultural management and enhanced their leadership skills through talks, symposia and visits. Our students continued to fare well in various activities and competitions in the tertiary education sector. The University debating teams won the overall championship in the 39th Intervarsity Debate Competition again after defeating their counterparts in all the English, Cantonese and Putonghua sessions. In addition, the Putonghua Debate Team represented CUHK and Hong Kong in local and regional competitions, winning bronze medals in the Hong Kong Intervarsity Debate Cup Competition and the Cross- Strait Universities Debating Competition on World Exhibition 2010 held in Beijing. The CUHK Rowing Team won the 23rd Hong Kong Intervarsity Rowing Championships, the 10th Intervarsity Indoor Rowing Championships in the men’s event, and the Jackie Chan Challenge Cup Hong Kong Universities Rowing Championships 2010. In July, the team travelled to Malaysia to participate in the UNITEN Rowing Invitational 2010, winning two gold, two silver and one bronze medals. 學生活動及獎譽 二零零九至一零年度,中大學生會、各成 員書院學生會及百多個院會、系會和屬會 舉辦了林林總總的課外活動,使學生的校 園生活更豐富多姿。此外,中大學生積極 參與各項大型交流活動,重點活動包括二 零一零年七月四至八日於上海舉行之「二 零一零上海世博會大學生體驗考察團」, 以及二零一零年七月十八至二十八日於北 京及香港舉行的「新紀元行政管理精英培 訓計劃」。後者共有一百四十五位內地、台 灣及港澳的大學生參與,當中三十二名為 中大學生;他們透過講座、學術研討會、 參觀等活動,學習跨文化的管理知識,加 強領導才能。 中大學生活躍於大專界活動,比賽屢創佳 績。大學辯論隊在第三十九屆兩大辯論賽 的英語、粵語及普通話賽事接連勝出, 贏得全場總冠軍。此外,普通話辯論隊更 多次代表中大和香港出席各類賽事,並取 得香港大專盃及於北京舉行之「創想 青春2010兩岸四地高校世博辯論大賽」 季軍。 本校划艇隊連連奪標,先後在第二十三屆 兩大賽艇錦標賽中力壓香港大學奪冠,在 第十屆大專室內划艇錦標賽贏得男子組 冠軍,在成龍挑戰盃二零一零年全港大學 賽艇錦標賽勇奪全場總冠軍,並於七月往 馬來西亞參與「二零一零UNITEN賽艇 邀請賽」,獲得兩金兩銀一銅,戰果足堪 自豪。 英語辯論隊 English Debating Team 中大划艇隊於第二十三屆兩大賽艇錦標賽掄元 CUHK Rowing Team won the 23rd Hong Kong Intervarsity Rowing Championships