Annual Report 2009–10

68 就業輔導及發展 為加強學生的就業準備,學生事務處在二 零零九至一零年度舉辦了多項就業輔導活 動及招聘講座,出席學生約一萬五千五百 人次,較去年增加近百分之二十。另外,逾 三千九百家機構透過學生事務處刊登約一 萬六千四百個職位的招聘廣告,較去年增 加接近百分之四十。 實習是發展就業及開拓視野的重要元素, 是年度「寰宇暑期實習計劃」安排了超過 二百名學生到內地主要城市的國營及私營 機構實習,體驗內地企業文化,認識當地 社會、政治以及經濟狀況;另有約八十名 學生遠赴海外,到柏林、都柏林、倫敦、 墨爾本、紐約、巴黎、新加坡、悉尼、多倫 多及温哥華等國外城市,接受為期四至 二十一星期的工作培訓。 百分之九十五點三的二零零九年畢業生於 該年十二月底前已獲聘或升學。獲聘的畢 業生中,百分之五十九投身工商界,百分之 十九點七投身教育界, 百分之十六點六加入社 會及公共機構,另百分 之四點八加入政府。 為進一步提升學生的競 爭力,中大是年度推出 多項新措施,例如提供 能力測試及性格測試給 同學,更新有關就業策 劃及發展的網頁系統及 介面,以加強向學生發 放最新資訊等。 Career Guidance and Development To better equip students for employment, the Office of Student Affairs organized a wide range of career guidance programmes and recruitment talks in 2009–10, attracting around 15,500 participants, a 20% increase over the previous year. Over 3,900 companies placed recruitment advertisements through the office, inviting applications for around 16,400 job positions, a nearly 40% increase from last year’s figure. Internship and job placement are important components in career development and exposure. The Global Internship Programme provided summer internship opportunities in state or private enterprises in major mainland cities to over 200 students, providing them with the opportunity to learn about the mainland’s socio-political and economic systems as well as its corporate culture. The programme also selected around 80 students to receive workplace training overseas for periods from 4 to 21 weeks in cities like Berlin, Dublin, London, Melbourne, New York, Paris, Singapore, Sydney, Toronto and Vancouver. By the end of December 2009, 95.3% of the class of 2009 graduates were either employed or pursuing further studies. Among those employed, 59% joined the commercial and industrial sectors, 19.7% joined the educational sector, 16.6% joined social and public organizations and 4.8% joined the government. With an aim to better equipping our graduates for opportunities ahead, some new initiatives were undertaken, e.g., offering abilities tests and personality tests to students, and revamping the website for career planning and development for enhanced dissemination of career-related information, etc. 二零零九年學士學位畢業生就業情況 Major Career Fields of 2009 First Degree Holders * * 截至二零一零年三月三十一日,不包括醫科畢業生 Figures as at 31 March 2010 and excluding medical graduates 會計 / 審計 Accounting/Auditing 教學 Teaching 銀行 / 財務 Banking/Finance 行政 / 管理 Administration/Management 資訊科技 Information Technology 銷售 / 市場推廣 Sales/Marketing 醫療及護理 Medical & Health Care 百分比 (%) Percentage 12% 11.3% 10.7% 10.6% 10.4% 8.5% 6.5% 行業 Career Fields 中大生於香港駐粵經濟貿易辦事處實習 CUHK student on internship at Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Guangdong