Annual Report 2009–10

70 中大校友組織現已達一百零一個。大學年 內透過多次晚餐會議,與三十二個本地校 友會交流最新動向。為加強與全球校友的 聯繫,校友事務處是年內多次外訪,與各地 校友會面,足跡遍及北京、伯明翰、成都、 芝加哥、倫敦、曼徹斯特、紐約、大阪、上 海及東京,同時在港接待了來自北京、卡加 里、芝加哥、德國、休士敦、洛杉磯、墨爾 本、紐約、新西蘭、昆士蘭、三藩市、新加 坡、瑞典、台灣、東京、多倫多及溫哥華等 地逾四十位校友組織代表。 二零零九至一零年度,多個海外校友會先 後把生活點滴結集成書,出版《中大人在 南加州》、《櫻花緣──中大人在日本》、 《中大人在墨爾本》、《中大人在溫哥華》 及《洛磯山下──卡城「中大人」》(英文 版),既以收益行善,支持「小扁擔勵學行 動」,也藉此促進全球中大校友交流。 海外校友亦響應大學呼籲,接待前往當地 交流的中大學生,協助他們盡快適應當地 生活。是年獲海外校友招待的中大交流生 逾五百五十人,足見中大校友關心母校、關 愛學弟妹之情。 Early Childhood Education Programs Alumni Association, Faculty of Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; the Alumni Association of Master of Arts in Cultural Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; The Chinese University of Hong Kong School of Public Health and Primary Care Alumni Association; the CUHK Alumni Association in Chengdu; the CUHK Business Alumni Association—Beijing. The total number of CUHK alumni organizations has grown to 101 as of July 2010. To foster closer links with them, the University met with 32 local alumni groups in 2010 over dinner meetings. The Alumni Affairs Office paid visits to Beijing, Birmingham, Chengdu, Chicago, London, Manchester, New York, Osaka, Shanghai, and Tokyo to engage with alumni associations all over the world. The office also received more than 40 representatives of alumni organizations from Beijing, Calgary, Chicago, Germany, Houston, Los Angeles, Melbourne, New York, New Zealand, Queensland, San Francisco, Singapore, Sweden, Taiwan, Tokyo, Toronto, Vancouver, etc. in 2009–10. In the year under review, thanks to the concerted efforts of overseas alumni bodies, new additions to the CUHK Alumni Book Series were published. They are CUHK Alumni in Southern California , Cherry Blossom Memories: CUHK Alumni in Japan , The Life of CUHK Alumni in Melbourne , CUHK Alumni in Vancouver and Life Stories of CUHK Alumni in Calgary . Proceeds from the sales of these books go to support the Xiao Bian Dan Operation in mainland China. Support from the alumni community to the University can take many forms. In the year under review, as many as 30 alumni associations outside of Hong Kong offered hospitality arrangements to over 550 outbound CUHK exchange students. 中大校友日 CUHK Alumni Homecoming Day 為誌校友多年對母校捐贈的心意,大學特於校友園豎立校友捐贈牌匾,並在二零一零年五月八日舉行揭幕典禮 In recognition of the long-standing support of alumni and their generous donations over the years, a new set of alumni donations commemorative plaques was erected at the Alumni Garden and an unveiling ceremony was held on 8 May 2010