Annual Report 2009–10

76 資訊科技服務 新學生資訊系統 為配合將於二零一二年實行本科四年新學 制的需求,第一階段的「中大學生資訊系 統」已在二零一零年七月五日啓用。新的 系統採用企業資源規劃技術,將有助大學 有效管理學生入學至畢業後的資料。 支援研究與教學 是年度共有三千九百個課程於網上教學平 台 WebCT,CUForum,及 Moodle 發布, 較上年度上升百分之十五點六。 為突破傳統教室的教學訓練模式,增強學 生的非教室學習機會,大學於二零零九年 九月推出Podcast@CUHK。學生能透過 Podcast@CUHK,利用播客技術及工具 廣泛使用多項大學網上教材及資源。網絡 視像授課已成為全球高等教育的新趨勢, 大學亦引入新的自動化技術,把課堂視 像、音像及投影綜合處理,快捷製作豐富 的教學媒體,協助學生於網上學習。新技 術已在二零零九至一零年度的上學期於理 學院、醫學院、法律學院及資訊科技服務 處的教室作試點。 圖書館與香港理工大學包玉剛圖書館在 二零一零年三月十一至十二日聯合舉辦了 「第二屆學術圖書館館員國際學術會議: 風雨唱詠,繼往開來」,超過二百六十位 來自逾十七個國家的圖書館館員及資訊專 業人員出席。 中文大學出版社為圖書館出版了《李景康 先生百壺山館藏故舊書畫函牘》,是書已 編入為「香港中文大學圖書館叢書第四 種」。 To illustrate the development of the Library, a photo exhibition ‘University Library System: Memories & Prospects’ together with an online quiz were held during February and March 2010. Historical photographs of various Libraries from the 1970s and architects’ sketches on future development plans of the University Library and its Extension were displayed. In addition, a book exhibition entitled ‘30 Years of China–US Diplomatic Relations’ was held from 3 to 21 September 2009. A book exhibition on the works of Prof. Jao Tsung-i was held from 12 to 27 November 2009. The conference ‘Academic Librarian 2: Singing in the Rain’, organized by the Pao Yue-kong Library of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in conjunction with the Library was held on 11 and 12 March 2010. More than 260 librarians and information professionals from over 17 countries attended the conference. A new Library publication The House of a Hundred Teapots: Painting and Calligraphy Treasures in Tribute to Mr. Li King-hong was published as the University Library Bibliographical Series No. 4 by The Chinese University Press. Computer and Information Technology Development of Chinese University Student Information System To address the needs entailed by the anticipated surge in student population and increase of academic programmes with the resumption of the four-year curriculum in 2012, the University embarked on a project to develop an integrated student-oriented information system named ‘Chinese University Student Information System’ (CUSIS). CUSIS enables efficient management of student data throughout the duration of study and after graduation. Phase I of the project with a focus on student-related functions was successfully launched on 5 July 2010. Teaching and Learning Technologies During the year under review, the number of courses hosted at WebCT, CUForum and Moodle reached 3,900, a 15.6% increase over the previous year, demonstrating the importance of eLearning as a teaching and learning initiative at the University. Launched in September 2009, Podcast@CUHK aims at enriching students’ learning experience through online delivery of popular programmes such as ‘About CUHK’, ‘CUHK Teachers’ Stories’ and ‘Talking to CEOs’. In addition, the expansion of school curricula and learning opportunities online will be further achieved by the introduction 第二屆學術圖書館館員國際學術會議:風雨唱詠,繼往開來 The conference ‘Academic Librarian 2: Singing in the Rain’