Annual Report 2009–10

77 教 學 輔 助 設 施 Academic Support Facilities 為了解三三四新學制對網上教學的需求, 大學已於二零一零年五月成立網上教學評 估小組,為大學提供網上教學的未來發展 路向。 校園聯網的發展 為滿足大學將來的需求,提高通話質量, 簡化管理及減低成本,大學開始將電話系 統與校園電腦網絡整合。這種新網絡電 話系統將更有利於多模式及跨境通訊。首 階段的四百台 IP 電話已於二零一零年六 月率先在商學院新址及碧秋樓地下資訊 科技服務處辦公室安裝使用。預計在二零 一四年可完成整個大學網絡電話系統更 新計劃。 of an event recording tool that can convert class lectures, workshops and presentations into podcasts, video and other media-rich publishable formats. Preliminary studies were conducted in the Faculties of Science, Medicine, Law, and the Information Technology Services Centre (ITSC) training room during the first term of 2009–10. To improve the University’s eLearning initiatives for the new four-year curriculum, the eLearning System Review Panel was established in May 2010 to provide recommendations to the University. Development of Campus Communication Network To provide the University with state-of-the-art communication services such as the integration of telephone, e-mail and fax systems, a click-to-dial function, and intra-CUHK instant messaging, a new IP telephony system would be built upon the existing campus computer network. Approximately 400 IP phones were deployed by June 2010 in the new teaching building of the Faculty of Business Administration at Chak Cheung Street and the ITSC office on the ground floor of Pi Ch’iu Building. The migration from PABX to IP telephony system is expected to be completed by 2014.