Annual Report 2010–11

4 卓越學術成就的新境界 中文大學素來在學術研究力爭上游, 所有政策和決定無不以此為標的, 冀盡一切資源,爭取教研佳績,秉持 踏實嚴謹的治學精神,悉力以赴。過 去近五十載,本校學者研究教學皆孜 孜不倦,他們的學生也踵武效法。有 鑒於此,政府當局撥予可觀的研究經 費,國際和國內研究中心競邀合作, 本校人員和研究計劃屢獲權威學術 機構嘉獎,這些成就足以令世界最著 名的大學也為之自豪。從全球各地延 攬的一流學者,令本校學術人員陣容 更形充實。他們不但為大學帶來最新 最尖端的知識和技術,還激勵和啟發 同儕打破窠臼,別出機杼,運用新穎 的治學方法,博採各種知識領域的新 見解。 過去一年,本校一些資深研究人員的 工作成果令人振奮,包括發現能藉孕 婦血漿拼湊出胎兒的基因圖譜;又完 成大豆基因組測序,以助提高這主要 Towards a New Understanding of Academic Excellence The pursuit of academic excellence has always been enshrined at the Chinese University, as its guiding principle for all its policies and decisions. Over the years we aspired to strive for the best in research and teaching as much as our resources would allow, and our academic business has been conducted, without fail, in the spirit of reaching for the stars. Five decades of hard and conscientious work of our academics and their students have resulted in achievements that would bring pride to even the most prestigious institutions, whether in terms of research funding allocated by the authorities, collaboration with major international and national centres of research, or the accolades bestowed upon CUHK personnel and research projects by the most exacting learned institutes in the world. The ranks of our academics are boosted by the presence of scholars of the first order from the four corners of the earth, who bring to our campus not only the latest and the most progressive knowledge and know-how, but also inspiration, and impetus, to break existing moulds in order to usher in fresh, improved approaches and understanding in various branches of knowledge. Some of the landmark achievements accomplished by my senior research colleagues during the year under review included the decoding of the foetal genomic map from maternal blood, the research on soybean genomics with a view to raising the staple food plant’s yield and stress tolerance, and the research on stent-assisted angioplasty of the brain vessel to bring hope to stroke patients. These are just some of the more spectacular award-winning projects and a more comprehensive account of our research distinctions in the past year is given in the chapter ‘Pushing Knowledge Frontiers’. These, together with many other research programmes, have been acknowledged by