Annual Report 2010–11

3 一年之後,一些感想 First Year, First Thoughts 本 年報概述了我出任香港中文大 學校長第一年任內的一些政策 和舉措,下筆之際,大學各成員,包括 教研和行政人員、學生、校友,以及大 學友好和支持者,正翹首引領,準備 迎接大學金禧校慶的來臨,屆時會有 長達一年的慶祝活動,遍及學術、文化 和社會各個層面。 若以歐洲古老大學的歷史為尺度, 五十年也許微不足道,但以香港的標 準量度,一所大學歷經這五十個寒暑 的社會、經濟和政治巨變而能茁壯 成長,已是非凡成就。在此意義重大 的歷史時刻,我獲委以中大校長之重 任,實是榮幸。值此機會,我們應回顧 前輩學人的學術功業,整理創校先賢 的流風遺澤,同時也應瞻望未來,共 商擘劃大學的發展,並予以落實,以配 合時代的需要。 我會在本章略述過去一年大學達到 的一些主要目標,但限於篇幅,無法 一一細表,當中的具體內容和涉及 的有關數據,則留待往後各章報告, 在此不贅。 T he present volume summarizes the policies and actions undertaken by The Chinese University of Hong Kong during the first year of my Vice-Chancellorship, and is written at a time when everyone associated with the University, including the academics and the administrators, students and alumni, and its many friends and supporters in the community at large, is anticipating the advent of the University’s golden jubilee, for which a year-long programme of celebrations on the academic, cultural, and social fronts will take place. Fifty years is a fleeting moment in the annals of ancient institutions of tertiary education in Europe, but remarkable by the standards of Hong Kong, which witnessed tremendous social, economic and political changes in the past five decades. It is my great honour to be entrusted with the headship of the University at this significant juncture in its history: a time to consolidate the legacies of our founding fathers, and also the time to deliberate, plan and act on the University’s development to meet the challenges of the time. In this preface I shall attempt to collect some thoughts on the manner and extent to which some of the University’s major objectives and goals were met in the past year, without visiting every subject that is important and dear to us, or delving into the statistics and details, as these will be adequately covered in the chapters to follow. 郭慶輝攝 Photograph by Nick Kwok