Annual Report 2010–11

13 培養世界公民 Educating Global Citizens 超 超級市場的貨品來自世界不同 角落,澳洲牛肉,西班牙火腿, 北海道牛乳,意大利橄欖油,挪威三 文魚,台灣池上米⋯⋯。排隊付款的 年輕人,耳朵塞着耳機,手裏拿着的美 國品牌智能電話,由中國工人在華南 的工廠製造,內有印度開發的應用程 式,下載了英國歌手的音樂。世界趨於 一體化,為現代人帶來半世紀以前難 以想像的便利。 2011 年 3 月,日本東北發生大地震, 大量物件捲入海中,形成巨幅海上圾 圾,橫越太平洋漂向美國,福島核電 廠危機帶來的核輻射陰影也籠罩日 本周邊國家。同年下半年希臘面臨債 務危機,牽連歐洲,全球經濟為之動 盪。泰國水災淹沒農田,食米價格上 漲,勢將影響千多公里以外的香港 人。世界各國日益互相依存,也為現代 人帶來以往所沒有的問題。 在今天這個真正「天涯若比鄰」的世 界,每個國家每個城市每個人都是地 球村一員,沒有人能獨善其身。因此, 大學教育應當幫助年輕人應對今天和 未來全球化的世界所帶來的挑戰,啟 發他們思考個人對於世界的角色與責 任,培養具世界公民素質的學生。 對於世界公民的定義,人言人殊,不一 而足。中文大學認為,背負世界公民名 號的學生至少要有以下素質: L ocal supermarkets have a variety of products from all over the world: beef from Australia, ham from Spain, milk from Hokkaido, olive oil from Italy, salmon from Norway, rice from Taiwan.… With earbuds in his ears, a young man queuing at the checkout listens to a British singer’s songs with his smartphone, which is a product of an American company, assembled by workers in South China, loaded with apps developed in India. The comfort and convenience that modern people can enjoy in this increasingly integrated world were unimaginable half a century ago. In March 2011, a powerful earthquake occurred near the northeast coast of Japan. A vast field of debris was swept out to sea by the resulting tsunamis and is floating across the Pacific towards the US. The radiation leaks from the crippled nuclear power plant in Fukushima pose as a threat to the neighbouring countries of Japan. The latter half of the year saw the deterioration of the debt crisis in Greece, affecting European and world economy. In Thailand, massive flooding damaged farmland. The anticipated increase in rice prices may affect Hong Kong people who live a thousand kilometres away from the country. The interdependence of nations presents modern people with problems that their previous generations did not face. Today, every country, every city and every person is part of the global village. In this shrinking world, university education should help young people to understand their roles and responsibilities as a world citizen, and to meet the challenges they confront now and will confront in the future. The definition of global citizenship varies from person to person. We in CUHK see a global citizen as someone who: