Annual Report 2010–11

14 • 除了自己處身的社會外,還了解和關 心這個社會以外更廣闊的世界; • 明白自己是世界的一員,有責任令世 界變得更好; • 相信自己有能力改變世界上不公義 的事情,並付諸行動。 中大培養世界公民的第一步,是灌輸知 識,培養學生成為有才能的人,造福社 會貢獻世界,這有賴完善的課程。 新學制課程 為迎接本港推行「 3+3+4 」新學制,中 大制訂了嶄新的四年制本科課程,將於 2012 學年實施。新課程着重跨學科知 識和通識教育的培育,讓學生掌握專門 知識外,也確立廣闊的學識基礎;同時 透過全方位的學習體驗,培養批判思維 和關愛社會的價值觀。 新課程的一大特色,是各主修學科增設 「總結科目」,所有學生須在畢業前參 與研究或實習,吸取經驗。此外,為擴 闊學生的跨學科知識,各學院將增設學 院課程,學生必須在其學院所提供的不 同科目中,選讀非主修的科目,涉獵其 他學術領域之餘,並可對主修科目的學 習帶來裨益。 要培養學生成為世界公民,必須擴展他 們的視野,海外交流及實習經驗對此極 有幫助。目前,在學期間有機會參與交 流學習的中大學生已超過百分之九十, 其中百分之二十可到世界各地二百多所 著名學府當一學期或一學年的交換生。 實行新學制後,我們的目標是將前往外 地交流的學生名額提升至百分之一百, 其中出外交流一個學期或以上的名額 則提升至百分之三十。 中大不斷視乎社會的需要,開辦新的主 修課程,在 2010 至 11 年度本校就增設了 工程學院的生物醫學工程學工程學士 課程,以培養相關人才。 • is aware of and cares about the wider world in addition to the local community he or she lives in; • takes into consideration that the world is whole and makes a conscious effort to make it a better place; • has the belief that he or she can make a difference and is willing to stand up and fight against social injustices. At CUHK, our first step towards educating global citizens is to give our students the knowledge and skills they need, so that they can make positive contributions to the local and global communities. This depends on a well-designed and comprehensive curriculum. New Curriculum With a new four-year normative undergraduate curriculum in place, CUHK is fully ready to implement the ‘3+3+4’ academic structure. The new curriculum will take effect in the academic year of 2012 to sharpen students’ intellectual faculty with both breadth and depth of knowledge across disciplines as well as within specialties; and help develop critical thinking skills and instil care for society through all-round experiential learning. In the new curriculum, all major programmes will include a ‘capstone course’ that gives students the opportunity to participate in research and/or internship, allowing them to gain research and working experience. To enrich students’ interdisciplinary knowledge, each Faculty will provide a faculty package offering a basket of different courses for students to take outside their majors, thus broadening their knowledge beyond their chosen fields of specialization and complementing their major studies. Overseas academic exchange and internship are instrumental in shaping students’ global perspective, which is an essential quality of a global citizen. Currently at CUHK, there are enough opportunities to enable over 90% of each cohort to undertake exchange, of which 20% go on exchange to over 200 prestigious institutions worldwide for one semester or one academic year. In the new four-year curriculum, our goal is for 100% of each cohort to have at least one opportunity for exchange, of which 30% will be able to go on exchange for one semester or more. Responding to the needs of our society, CUHK introduced the Bachelor of Engineering Programme in Biomedical Engineering in the year 2010–11 to nurture local biomedical engineers.