Annual Report 2010–11

33 獲一等獎的項目是醫學院內科及藥物 治療學系于君教授及校長兼莫慶堯 醫學講座教授沈祖堯教授的「胃癌發 生的生物學行為、分子機制及防治研 究」,以及數學講座教授魏軍城教授 之「非線性橢圓方程及方程組的凝聚 現象」。獲二等獎的是生命科學學院 陳振宇教授及生物醫學學院黃聿教 授之「天然產物對膽固醇和脂肪酸代 謝與心血管功能的影響」。 研究是漫長而且經常要面對失敗的 工作,以上研究人員和團隊獲得的殊 榮與獎項,不但是獲獎人員以及整 個大學社群的榮耀,也是鼓勵中大 研究團隊繼續邁步前進的動力。 Three remarkable scientific research projects at CUHK received the Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Awards (Science and Technology) in the category of natural sciences from the Ministry of Education. Two of them received the first- class awards and the other, a second-class award. The first-class award projects were: ‘Integrative Research on Molecular Basis and Potential Targets for Gastric Cancer’ conducted by Prof. Yu Jun at the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, and Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor and Mok Hing Yiu Professor of Medicine; and ‘Concentration Phenomena in Nonlinear Elliptic Equations and Systems’ conducted by Prof. Wei Juncheng, Professor of Mathematics. The project receiving a second-class award was ‘Cholesterol-lowering and Cardiovascular Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals’ conducted by Prof. Chen Zhenyu of the School of Life Sciences and Prof. Huang Yu of the School of Biomedical Sciences. Research is a long and arduous task and researchers are no stranger to failures. The above-mentioned awards earned by CUHK researchers are not only the honour shared by the whole University community, but also serve as a stimulus to motivate all researchers of the University to forge ahead.