Annual Report 2010–11

35 服務與關懷 Serving and Caring 大 學曾經被人形容為象牙塔, 是指大學只着眼於鑽研深邃的 知識,與社會民生脫節。就大學的歷 史發展而言,十九世紀以前的大學, 確實大多是純粹的教學機構,到了 十九世紀初,研究這項功能逐漸整合 到大學體制裏去,大學遂成為教研合 一的機構。時至今日,服務這個概念 也成為大學的使命。過去二十年來, 西方更興起 ‘engaged university’ 的 概念,強調高等教育機構在社區的角 色和責任,大學直接參與應對社區的 問題,如扶貧、改善公共衞生、保護環 境等。 中文大學素來鼓勵本校師生和校友 回饋社會,他們除了積極參與各類活 動關懷本港社會外,足跡還遍及內 地乃至世界其他地方,為有需要的人 服務。 到四川興建抗震校舍 四川在 2008 年發生大地震,中大多個 部門師生相繼以各種方式支持賑災和 災後重建。建築學院朱競翔教授率領 的研究小組繼 2009 年在地震災區建 成第一所新芽小學後, 2010 年夏天以 更先進的建築系統及創新設計,在四 川建成第二所新芽學堂。這個建築項 目共有三十名來自香港及內地的大學 生、建築師志願者參與。 U niversities had been viewed as ivory towers that focused exclusively on the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake and were detached from worldly or practical affairs. Universities before the 19th century were mostly devoted to teaching. By the early 19th century, universities began to emphasize the importance of research, which became an integral part of their tasks. Today, in addition to teaching and research, service is one of the major missions of a university. In the past two decades, the notion of the ‘engaged university’ has got off the ground and enjoyed considerable attention across the West. The notion stresses the civic roles and social responsibilities of higher education and argues that universities should make conscious and directed efforts to tackle community problems, such as combating poverty, improving public health, and protecting the environment. The mission of CUHK has long been infused with a commitment to community betterment. The University has been actively encouraging and motivating its staff, students and alumni to help the needy and to serve locally, nationally and globally. Building Seismic Proof School in Sichuan After the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, the CUHK community has responded to the disaster by providing support in different ways to the victims. A research team led by Prof. Zhu Jingxiang of the School of Architecture has developed an advanced architectural system for the construction of the second New Bud Study Hall in Sichuan in the summer of 2010. Based on the experience of building the first New