Annual Report 2010–11

36 第二所新芽學堂坐落四川省邊境的多 山地區涼山州鹽源縣瀘沽湖鎮,位於 海拔二千六百米的少數民族摩梭族村 寨達祖。新校舍的抗震等級達麥加利 地震烈度十度,壽命可達二十年以上, 而且造價低廉,並能在兩周內建成, 還利用溫差效應、煙囱效應達到冬暖 夏涼。此外,校舍應用了清潔能源,裝 有一台風力發電機,用於點亮 LED 燈 具,全部照明只消耗能量一點二千瓦, 還預留空間,供日後安裝太陽能地板 輻射熱系統之用。 新學堂於 2010 年 9 月 1 日啟用,除可讓 村內孩童於該處完成六年制小學教 育,更吸引了附近村落的學生來 上學。 Bud Primary School in the province in 2009, the new Study Hall excels further in energy efficiency and space design. The project involved 30 volunteers, comprising mainland and Hong Kong university students, and architects. The Study Hall is located in a remote minority village, Dazu, a hilly region of an altitude of 2,600 m on the border of Sichuan Province. While retaining the distinguishing features of the first school such as earthquake resistance reaching Mercalli Intensity Scale X, lasting over 20 years, low cost construction, and short construction time (two weeks), the vents of Study Hall are well-positioned and the stack effect is manipulated carefully to keep indoor space cool in summer and warm in winter. A wind turbine is used to provide clean energy to power the LED lights installed in the Study Hall, keeping the total energy consumed for lighting to as low as 1.2 KW. Extra space is also reserved for the installation of a solar ground heating system. The Study Hall has been in operation since 1 September 2010. Students can complete their six-year primary education there and it has attracted students from neighbouring villages.